Research Group Aesthetic and Cultural Studies

Transnational Aesthetics

Main content

Ongoing research

"Contemporary Literary Negotiations: The Aesthetic Spaces of the Transnational" - PhD dissertation project by Tijana Przulj

The project aims to bring together the concepts of transnationality and aesthetics based on literary depictions of individual, ordinary transnational lives and interpersonal connections. The notions that have the potential to unify the various aspects of this project are liminality, home and (diasporic) intimacy. The current and future insights from this project hold promise of valuable contributions not only to the studies of transnational literature in its own right, but also to the studies of the transnational in American literature.



IMER (International Migration and Ethnic Relations) is an interdisciplinary research network associated with the University of Bergen, Chr Michelsen Institute and NORCE Research AS. Tijana Przulj is the coordinator for the IMER junior scholar network.