Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care

Requirements for Practice Supervisors for International Students

Practice supervisors in the clinical master's program in manual therapy must possess competence and experience to fulfill the following four conditions:

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  1. Hold primary care status with rights to referral, sick leave, and reimbursement registered in the Health Personnel Register: Sick leave, requisition, and referral rights, and the right to trigger a fee for manual therapy (A8).

  2. Hold a master's degree in manual therapy from UiB or an equivalent master's degree in manual therapy from another academic institution.

  3. Have pedagogical/supervisory education of at least 10 credits from the university/college sector.

  4. Have a minimum of 2 years of clinical experience as a primary contact in primary health care after completing the manual therapy education.

In addition to competence and experience, practice supervisors must:

  1. Commit to participating in UiB's practice supervisor seminars twice a year or other training that UiB deems necessary for the supervision of manual therapy students at UiB.

  2. Commit to entering into UiB's standard contracts for guidance and ren. 

The practice site must have satisfactory conditions for students, including:

  1. The practice site should have 2 students simultaneously.

  2. UiB reserves the right to approve special arrangements if there are no available practice sites that meet the above requirements (1).

  3. Satisfactory standards for conducting activities in accordance with public regulations and with facilities that meet the needs of students and supervisors in connection with guidance.

  4. The practice site must have an Electronic Patient Journal solution with Health Network adapted for primary contacts and available to the student.

  5. The student must have access to patients who come directly, without referral.

  6. Students should have access to a sound-insulated office during their supervised practice.

  7. At least one approved supervisor should be affiliated with the practice site and have their daily practice there.

  8. UiB recommends supervisors who are alone at their practice site to connect with one or more other approved supervisors or have joint sessions with nearby institutes that also supervise practice for MT students.