Department of Physics and Technology
Tilman Plehn (Heidelberg University)

Physics Colloquium: Theoretical Physics with and for the LHC

Main content

With the discovery of a light Higgs boson, the LHC has firmly
established quantum field theory as the language of theoretical
particle physics. This affects current theoretical and experimental
particle physics in many ways. Now, we know that (effective) field
theory is the language we can rely on in performing analyses,
communicating results, and interpreting them. In addition, quantum
field theory allows us to firmly link many aspects of fundamental
physics, from the LHC to for example the Fermi space telescope. I will
explain how LHC physics has rapidly moved from a model-driven field to
a data-driven field, with an entirely new set of theory tasks. In
particular, we will see how theorists need to find a new balance
between data interpretation and the so-called big picture(s).