
Medieval Research Cluster

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Animasjon av Bryggen i Bergen i middelalderen

Bergen and western Norway will play a leading role both nationally and internationally within medieval studies and related fields.

Medieval studies has enjoyed a strong position in Bergen since the establishment of Bergen Museum in 1825, and has been an important part of the research environment at the University of Bergen from its founding in 1946.

The Medieval Research Cluster is firmly rooted in a broad and interdisciplinary environment both inside and outside of UiB.

Medieval research is an integral part of several disciplines at the university, such as art history, comparative literature, philology, archaeology, the study of religions, history, geology, botany and music.

The Medieval Research Cluster aims to encourage more collaboration with colleagues and external partners, such as museums, collections, archives, schools, the tourism industry, the wider public sector and other representatives from culture and society. The goal is to increase awareness of and knowledge about the Middle Ages by presenting research in new and different contexts.

Medieval studies
Åslaug Ommundsen in the archive(s)

Book fragments from the Middle Ages reveal their secrets

In the Nordic countries, tens of thousands of pages from liturgical books from the Middle Ages have been preserved. An international network of researchers has formed around the materials.

New book
St. Sunniva – irsk dronning, norsk vernehelgen

St. Sunniva – Irish Queen and Norwegian Patron Saint

St. Sunniva has had an impact on Norwegian history, literature and art from the Middle Ages until today. A magnificent newly published book explores different aspects of the Sunniva character.

Madonna med barn frå Kyrkjebø kyrkje

The book mystery of the Madonna from Kyrkjebø

The beautiful Madonna from Kyrkjebø in Sogn is currently being exhibited to a European audience in Utrecht. But what is her story? And can some fragments from a medieval manuscript, once attached on the inside of the hollow body, contribute to the story of the Madonna?

Bergen museum

Historical overview

Bergen has long traditions when it comes to medieval research, all the way back to the foundation of the Bergen Museum in 1825, with its collections of objects from the Middle Ages.