Grieg Research School in Interdisciplinary Music Studies

Preliminary Viva Voce Examination November 29

Grieg Research school has established a tradition of arranging a Preliminary Viva Voce Examination (prøvedisputas) as part of each research seminar. This time Silje Valde Onsrud is the candidate.

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Grieg Research School uses Preliminary Viva Voce Examination (prøvedisputas) as a tool for quality assurance and development. Candidates that are members of GRS will have the opportunity to get a Preliminary Viva Voce Examination arranged towards the end of their PhD process.

The Preliminary Viva Voce Examination is part of the official programme at the international research seminar Performing sound and sentiment, self and society. 


Candidate: Silje Valde Onsrud, University of Bergen

Opponent: Gro Anita Kamsvåg, Norwegian Academy of Music

Time: Tuesday November 29, 2011. 8.30-10.30 am

Place: Bergen University, Sydneshaugen Skole, Sydnesplassen 9, Auditorium A


Silje Valde Onsrus is a PhD-candidate at the University College of Bergen and the University of Bergen, 2008-2012. She is working in the field of music education. The PhD-study is an investigation of gender structures' influence on music activities in secondary school music education. She has a master degree in musicology from the University of Oslo, and several years of experience as a music teacher in secondary school.


Welcome to attend Silje's Preliminary Viva Voce Examination!