The Coronavirus – Information for Students and Employees

Testing, quarantine and vaccine

By following this guidelines, you as an employee or student at UiB could contribute to maintaining good infection control.

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Follow the national guidelines: The government is implementing new national corona measures to reduce the burden on the health and care services, and to delay and limit the spread of omicron. Please find the national measures here.

Use a face mask: Mandatory use of face masks in all public places indoors where you can’t keep one meter distance.

Stay at home if you may be infected: The most important measure employees and students can take in situations of high infection is to stay at home if you are sick, and have a low threshold for testing. Here you will find information from Bergen municipality.

Symptoms: Please find current rules and recommendations at helsenorge.no

Testing: The municipality issues self-tests to household members, close contacts and people with symptoms. More info here.

Positive rapid test result: Please call the local infection tracing team: 408 11 195. A  positive self-test should be confirmed at a test centre. You will need to take an ordinary PCR test at Festplassen or Spelhaugen. More info here.

Positive PCR test result: With a positive result you must be in isolation. More info here.

Quarantine rules: Please find the national quarantine rules here.