Do you need support for an interdisciplinary Ocean event?
Do you have ideas for activities or meetings during the One Ocean Week 2024, or do you need financial support to organize interdisciplinary, ocean related activities in 2024?
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Do you have ideas for activities or meetings during the One Ocean Week 2024?
UiB is, together with several public and private actors, a partner in ‘One Ocean City Bergen’. It organises the One Ocean Week (OOW), an annual event for debate, meetings, workshops and activities related to the sustainable use of the ocean. This year´s OOW takes place on 13-19 April. Check the tentative program here.
UiB-Ocean is responsible for several events, including a seminar on the North Sea on Wednesday 17 April, and events at Litteraturhuset and at Statsraaden Bar & Reception. Researchers and students at UiB are encouraged to participate in this event as well as to activitely contribute to the OOW programme by organizing meetings and other activities.
Do you have ideas for content, speakers or activities? Depending on the level of interest, UiB-Ocean will help finding available venues, and might also contribute financially, for example, to cover rental expenses. Please submit a proposal via this form by the deadline Wednesday 21 February 2024.
Everyone is free to organize meetings and or activities and have them included in the OOW App run by the Municipality of Bergen. But if you need any help or support from UiB-Ocean, this deadline should be met.