Exploring Narrative Methodologies in Music Research
We are delighted to invite researchers, scholars, artists and practitioners from any field engaged with music to participate in the GRS International Summer School to be held 14th-16th June 2022 at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. The conference is organised in collaboration with the 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NARRATIVE INQUIRY IN MUSIC EDUCATION (NIME8)

Main content
Storytelling is both an extraordinary and everyday practice which includes ancient fairytales and sagas, alongside everyday forms of micro and macro narrative, through which individuals and groups interact, negotiate values, make sense of the past, structure the present and imagine the future. Quite simply: “people without narratives do not exist” (Polkinghorne).
The course will focus on narrative forms of research and inquiry whilst contemplating the ways narrative may exist in more-than linguistic forms through its entanglement with music, film, photography, dance and other performative expressions. We invite participants to consider narratives about music and musical experiences, alongside how music itself can be understood as a narrative gesture, or the ways artistic work may sublimely address the “unspeakable.” What kind of narratives emerge when we focus on the places, spaces and environments where music and musical experiences emerge? What stories do musical materials and objects themselves tell us? How does narrative evolve and circulate across digital media platforms? When narratives circulate quickly and become detached from local situatedness, what are the possibilities and risks of appropriation and re-storying across sites, cultures and borders? When post-humanistic and socio-materialist researchers connect their inquiry to issues of sustainable development and social justice, how can such perspectives guide reflection and debate among narrative researchers in and around music? Through exploration of these themes, the course aims to engage participants in questioning the ways researchers generate, collect, interpret and convey narratives in a complex and conflicting global climate.
Invited speakers:
- Prof. Tim Ingold, University of Aberdeen
- Prof. Elin Eriksen, Ødegaard, HVL,
- Dr. Tuulikki Laes, Uniarts, Finland
- Dr Ailbhe Kenny, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick
- Prof. Even Ruud, Norwegian Academy of Music
ECTS Credits
Ph.D. candidates can gain 3 or 5 ECTS credit points for active, in-person participation during this course and have the option of presenting on the main theme of the course OR on their own research project. These presentations will receive feedback from senior researchers and peers.
Conference Hotel
Below you’ll find booking information for our two conference hotels (located vis-à-vis). The amount of rooms available for booking are limited in and must be booked before May 17th.
Grand Terminus
- Phone: (0047) 55 21 25 00
- E-mail: booking@grandterminus.no
- Booking Code: 039351
- Price: Starts at 900 NOK per night
Zander K
- Phone: (0047) 55 36 20 40
- E-mail: booking@zanderk.no
- Booking Code: 068258
- Price: Starts at 850 NOK per night