Aesthetic and Creative Learning Processes: For all? Anywhere?
Welcome to the Rommetveit Seminar 2011, 14th-17th of June! An international research seminar tailored for PhD students and arranged by Stord/Haugesund University College and the Grieg Research School in Interdisciplinary Music Studies.
Main content
Grieg Research School in Interdisciplinary Music Studies (GRS) and Stord/Haugesund University College (HSH) invite you to participate in the international research seminar Aesthetic and Creative Learning Processes: For all? Anywhere? You may participate as a PhD candidate or as a delegate.
Focus: Aesthetic and Creative Learning Processes
Place: Stord/Haugesund University College, Rommetveit, Stord, Norway
Time: June 14-17th 2011
Key course holders and presenters include: Professor Liora Bresler, University of Illinois, US; Professor Lucy Green, London Institute of Education, UK; Professor Staffan Selander, University of Stockholm; Professor Helene Illeris, Agder University, Norway; Professor Brynjulf Stige, University of Bergen, Norway; Professors Bjørn Alterhaug and John Pål Inderberg, University of Trondheim; Professor Magne Espeland, Stord/Haugesund University College, Norway; and others.
Final programme can be found here.
Registration is closed.
This seminar is the second research school seminar in the short history of GRS and will be co-hosted with HSH as the third Rommetveit Seminar. The venue for the seminar, the Stord/Haugesund campus on Rommetveit is situated in the very middle of the Norwegian Fjord Country at the opening of the famous Hardanger Fjord. A social programme with reception, seminar dinner and excursions is also part of this June seminar.
Grieg Research School in Interdisciplinary Music Studies is a new network –based research school set up by some of the MusicNet West institutions in Western Norway and co-ordinated by the University of Bergen.
The focus for the seminar reflects our interest in studying and understanding music as a part of what can be described as the qualities, effects and processes associated with creative and arts-based experience, awareness, discovery, production and learning.
The seminar will include keynotes, presentations, mini-courses and discussions aiming to constitute an informed platform for an enhanced inquiry and understanding of the nature and characteristics of aesthetic and creative learning processes, and how such processes interact with other forms and models of knowledge and learning processes, in schools, in art communities, in health care and in other sectors of society.
Send to: Liv Gunnhild Qvale,
Deadline for abstract submission: May 15th 2011
The research seminar invites candidates to present PhD work in progress from the fields of music education, music therapy, musicology and music performance. The seminar is open for all interested PhD candidates in these and related fields such as the arts, media arts and arts education and for higher education staff who are taking part in relevant research qualification programmes. Presentations in the mentioned fields are also welcome by senior researchers.
Potential presenters are encouraged to present papers relevant for the theme of the seminar, but a broad interpretation of the theme is part of the selection criteria.
For PhD candidates presentations should be planned as an individual 20 minutes presentation in English leading up to a 10 minutes response from a professor. Candidates should also be prepared to take part in discussions about their projects in other formats such as sequenced round tables during a session we have labeled iTime.
Full participation at the seminar is recognized by GRS as 3 ECT credits. Another 2 credits can be added by presenting a 3000 words paper to the GRS professional committee for evaluation no later than September 1st 2011. This paper may be written in English or Norwegian.
For senior researchers the alotted time for presentations is 30 minutes including a short discussion.
For all potential presenters an abstract of no more than 500 words should be submitted in English no later than May 15th 2011 by mail to the research school managing consultant Liv Gunnhild Qvale, The mail should also include personal information, a short CV, and for PhD candidates also information about the candidate’s present enrolment in a doctoral programme.
More about the theme of the research seminar
The theme of the seminar; Aesthetic and Creative Learning Processes: For all? Anywhere? suggests our interest in disciplinary, interdisciplinary as well as democratic aspects of this knowledge domain and corresponding learning processes. Important questions to be asked are: How are the meanings of aesthetic and creative learning processes shaped by different contexts and expressions and how are such processes best studied, analyzed and described? Are aesthetic and creative learning processes accessible for all or just for the chosen few, and can they be experienced and utilized anywhere or just in specially designed environments? And what are the potential effects of aesthetic and creative learning processes for the individual and society at large?
Venue, travel and accommodation
Participation in the research seminar is free for all PhD candidates who are members of GRS, and for higher education staff and other delegates from the owner institutions. Delegates from other institutions will have to pay a seminar fee of NOK 1000. Candidates and other delegates must cover their own expenses for travel and accommodation and there will be a small fee for the fjord excursion and meal. For more information see or join our facebook group Aesthetic and Creative Learning Processes: For all? Anywhere?.
There are very good travel connections to Rommetveit, Stord, Norway. International travelers may travel directly to the local airport, Stord Lufthamn or Karmøy Lufthamn, via Oslo, or they may travel by air to Bergen or Stavanger and take the bus or boat to Stord (approx. 2 hours). Booking of flights directly to Stord can be made at
We have an agreement with Grand Hotell in Leirvik, the centre of Stord. The seminar programme is coordinated with the schedule for the buses between Lerivik and Campus. The price is NOK 845,- per night for a single room with breakfast. You can book directly at the hotel (, and the ordering code is "Rommetveitseminaret". If you have any other question about accommodation you may contact our accommodation support team at