Grieg Research School's first Preliminary Viva Voce
The first Preliminary Viva Voce Examination (prøvedisputas) in Grieg Research School's history was held 15 June 2011 at the international research seminar "Aesthetic and Creative Learning Processes: For all? Anywhere?".

Main content
Viggo Krüger, PhD candidate in music therapy, had his Preliminary Viva Voce Examination (prøvedisputas) Wednesday 15 June as part of the official programme at the Rommetveit Seminar 2011.
For both the candidate and the audience this was a valuable experience. For the candidate it was very useful to have the opponent Gro Trondalen's feedback on the work at a point in the process where there is still some time left for improving the disssertation. For the audience it was very interesting to learn more about music therapy within the Child Welfare. Krüger's project is focusing on how music therapy can be used as a community approach for children and teenagers in the Child Welfare - to increase their social competence and develop social relations. His reference perspectives are Community Music Therapy and Resource-oriented Music Therapy.
Grieg Research School wants to establish a practice where we use Preliminary Viva Voce Examination as a tool for quality assurance and development. Candidates that are members of GRS will have the opportunity to get a Preliminary Viva Voce Examination arranged towards the end of their PhD process, and these events will normally be held as part of the official programme of the GRS courses and seminars.