GRS courses - content and structure
The aim of Grieg Research School in Interdisciplinary Music Studies is to develop flexible courses which we hope most of the candidates within the interdisciplinary field of music studies will find relevant. At the same time there will be flexibility for the candidates to attend other relevant courses within their special field.
Main content
The principal structure for doctoral training at the University of Bergen:
1) Philosophy of Science (10 credits)
For UiB candidates it is compulsory to follow the course in Philosophy of Science at Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities (UiB).
(GRS has established a dialogue with the centre about developing courses specifically directed towards interdisciplinary music studies, but these courses are not yet developed).
2) Transferable skills (5 credits)
Courses that are relevant for candidates in all disciplines. These courses are provided by the Faculty of Humanities at UiB.
3) Courses related to the candidate's own project (15 credits)
Courses that should support the candidate's work with his/her own thesis. Grieg Research School offers courses relevant for this part of the doctoral training.
The structure of seminars/courses provided by Grieg Research School:
a) Interdisciplinary Music Studies
4-5 days course in the spring (week 23 or 24)
Courses defined by topics (not directed towards specific disciplines).
b) Specialization in Music Studies
4-5 days course in the autumn (week 48)
Specialized courses adapted to the candidates’ project and academic background, arranged by GRS (possibly in cooperation with other research schools).
In addition to these courses other formats can be used according to needs and resources, such as thesis seminars, Mid-term Evaluation, research lunches, conferences, Preliminary Viva Voce Examinations (prøvedisputas) and video conferences. These other events will as far as possible be arranged in connection to the courses.
Grieg Research School would like to encourage the candidates’ supervisors to participate at the courses where their candidate will be presenting. The supervisors are welcome to give presentations themselves as well.
All GRS courses will give the following amount of credits:
- 3 credits for active participation with presentation
- 5 credits for active participation with presentation and approved essay