Felix Halpaap
The institute board (instituttråd) is the one democratic organ that can influence our work environment and some strategic decisions at the Department of Earth Science. We, the temporary employed scientific staff as group B (including PhD students, researchers with temporary contracts, PostDocs) get to choose one representative to voice our opinions and stand up for our interests at the Department in the board meetings. I am now running for the position as our representative again after having represented group B for the last year. If you have not met me before (chances are getting higher due to work-from-home after all): I have been at the department since 2014, first as a PhD candidate, then in a short-term contract, and now as a PostDoc in earthquake seismology. From that time I have gained insight into what works well and where there's room for improvement, and I'd like to represent our group to make sure our influence counts. Don't hesitate to get in touch with me regarding our voice and opinions in the department! - Cheers, Felix