Institutt for sammenliknende politikk

Publikasjonar 2017


1. Aalen, Lovise; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise. Power calculations and political decentralisation in African post-conflict states. International Political Science Review 2017 ;Volum 38.(1) s. 56-69CMI UiB  

2. Angell, Elisabeth; Selle, Per; Eikeland, Sveinung. Samene og det nye nord. Dagavisen Nordlys 2017 s. 39-UNI UiB UiT  

3. Arnesen, Sveinung. Legitimacy from Decision-Making Influence and Outcome Favourability: Results from General Population Survey Experiments. Political Studies 2017 ;Volum 65.(1) s. 146-161UiB  

4. Arnesen, Sveinung; Folkestad, Bjarte; Johannesson, Mikael. Har kommunevalgkampen noen betydning?. I: Lokalvalget 2015 - et valg i kommunereformens tegn?. Abstrakt forlag 2017 ISBN 978-82-7935-390-4. s. 95-112UiB UNI  

5. Arnesen, Sveinung; Johannesson, Mikael Poul; Linde, Jonas; Dahlberg, Stefan. Do Polls Influence Opinions? Investigating Poll Feedback Loops Using the Novel Dynamic Response Feedback Experimental Procedure. Social science computer review 2017 UiB  

6. Bergh, Johannes; Dahlberg, Stefan; Mörkenstam, Ulf; Saglie, Jo. Valdeltagande vid sametingsval. I: Ett folk, ulike valg : Sametingsvalg i Norge og Sverige. Gyldendal Akademisk 2017 ISBN 978-82-05-50841-5. s. 178-194ISF SA/SH UiB  

7. Berntzen, Einar. Norsk bistand til Latin-Amerika. I: Norge i Latin-Amerika: Forbindelser og forestillinger. Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2017 ISBN 9788202548483. s. 131-159UiB  

8. Berntzen, Einar. State- and Nation-Building in the Nordic Region: Particular Characteristics. I: The Nordic Models in Political Science : Challenged, but Still Viable?. Fagbokforlaget 2017 ISBN 978-82-450-2175-2. s. 19-44UiB  

9. Borge, Julie A.Ø. Tuning in to formal politics: Mock elections at school and the intention of electoral participation among first time voters in Norway. Politics 2017 ;Volum 37.(2) s. 201-214UiB  

10. Broderstad, Troy Saghaug; Marsteintredet, Leiv; Tranvåg, Håkon. Norwegian political science in Norway and abroad: major publications 1999–2014. European Political Science 2017 UiB  

11. Camerlo, Marcelo; Doyle, David; Fatima, García Diez; Marsteintredet, Leiv. the european political scienceagenda: a multilevel analysisfrom a country perspective. European Political Science 2017 s. 1-9UiB  

12. Cappelen, Cornelius; Dahlberg, Stefan. The Law of Jante and Generalized Trust. Acta Sociologica 2017 UiB  

13. Cappelen, Cornelius; Peters, Yvette. Diversity and Welfare State Legitimacy in Europe. The Challenge of Intra-EU Migration. Journal of European Public Policy 2017 s. 1-21UiB  

14. Cappelen, Cornelius; Peters, Yvette. The impact of intra-EU migration on welfare chauvinism. Journal of Public Policy 2017 s. -UiB  

15. Christensen, Dag Arne; Midtbø, Tor. Kommuner, kommunestørrelse og tilfredshet med velferdsstatens tjenester. I: Tjenestedemokratiet. Velferdsstaten som arena for deltakelse. Universitetsforlaget 2017 ISBN 9788215027852. s. 22-39UiB UNI  

16. della Porta, Donatella; Donker, Teije Hidde; Poljarevic, Emin; Ritter, Daniel; Hall, Bogumila. Social Movements and Civil War: When protests for democratization fail. Routledge 2017 (ISBN 9781138224186) 208 s. UiB  

17. Donker, Teije Hidde; Netterstrøm, Kasper Ly. The Tunisian revolution & governance of religion. Middle East Critique 2017 ;Volum 26.(2) s. 1-20UiB  

18. Evjen, Kjetil; Aarebrot, Frank. Reformasjonen: Den store historien. Vigmostad & Bjørke 2017 (ISBN 9788241914997) 380 s. UiB  

19. Falch, Torvald; Selle, Per; Strømsnes, Kristin. The Sámi: 25 Years of Indigenous Authority in Norway. I: Non-territorial Autonomy in Divided Societies. Comparative Perspectives. Routledge 2017 ISBN 9781138953956. UiB  

20. Flo, Yngve; Fimreite, Anne Lise. Kommunar inn i den konstitusjonelle varmen. Om den langtrekte prosessen med å få det kommunale sjølvstyret inn i Grunnlova.. Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift 2017 ;Volum 2. s. 155-171UiB UNI  

21. Gianella, Camila. Abortion rights legal mobilization in the peruvian media, 1990-2015. Health and Human Rights: An International Journal 2017 ;Volum 19.(1) s. 133-147CMI UiB  

22. Gianella, Camila; Machado, Marta; Gloppen, Siri. Political determinants of Sustainable Development Goals. The Lancet 2017 ;Volum 390.(10112) s. 2545-2546UiB  

23. Gianella, Camila; Miranda, J. Jaime. Strengthening research to improve hypertensive patient outcomes in Peru. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 2017 ;Volum 13.(1) s. 259-260CMI UiB  

24. Gianella, Camila; Miranda, J Jaime. Comments to the article from Vodicka, E., D. A. Antiporta, Y. Yshii, J. R. Zunt and P. J. Garcia (2016). “Patient acceptability of and readiness-to-pay for pharmacy-based health membership plans to improve hypertension outcomes in Lima, Peru.”. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 2017 ;Volum 13. s. 259-260UiB  

25. Grendstad, Gunnar. Et demokratisk øyeblikk. Stavanger Aftenblad 2017 UiB  

26. Grendstad, Gunnar. Låst i revers. Stavanger Aftenblad 2017 UiB  

27. Grendstad, Gunnar. Politikere velger folket. Stavanger Aftenblad 2017 UiB  

28. Grendstad, Gunnar. Trump ble ingen Roosevelt. Stavanger Aftenblad 2017 UiB  

29. Grendstad, Gunnar. USA revner på begge sider. Stavanger Aftenblad 2017 s. 5-UiB  

30. Grendstad, Gunnar. Økt verdipolarisering i USA. Stavanger Aftenblad 2017 s. 5-UiB  

31. Grendstad, Gunnar. Å bli kvitt presidenten i USA. Stavanger Aftenblad 2017 UiB  

32. Grendstad, Gunnar; Shaffer, William R.; Waltenburg, Eric N.. Norway - Managed Openness and Transparency. I: Justices and Journalists. The Global Perspective. Cambridge University Press 2017 ISBN 9781107159983. s. 235-254UiB  

33. Grindheim, Jan Erik; Heidar, Knut; Strøm, Kaare. Norsk Politikk. Universitetsforlaget 2017 (ISBN 978-82-1502603-9) 416 s. UiB UiO  

34. Gåsemyr, Hans Jørgen. Alle for Xi og Xi for partiet. Dagens næringsliv 2017 UiB  

35. Gåsemyr, Hans Jørgen. Kina for og mot Trump. Dagens næringsliv 2017 UiB  

36. Gåsemyr, Hans Jørgen. Mer enn laks og menneskerettigheter. NRK Ytring 2017 UiB  

37. Gåsemyr, Hans Jørgen. Navigation, circumvention and brokerage: the tricks of the trade of developing NGOs in China. The China Quarterly 2017 ;Volum 229. s. 86-106NUPI UiB  

38. Gåsemyr, Hans Jørgen; Sverdrup-Thygeson, Bjørnar. Chinese Investments in Norway: A Typical Case Despite Special Circumstances. I: Chinese Investment in Europe: A Country-Level Approach. : ETNC 2017 s. 101-109NUPI UiB  

39. Harteveld, Eelco; Dahlberg, Stefan; Kokkonen, Andrej; van der Brug, Wouter. Gender Differences in Vote Choice: Social Cues and 1 Social Harmony as Heuristics. British Journal of Political Science 2017 s. -UiB  

40. Helle, Svein-Erik; Rakner, Lise. The Impact of Elections: The Case of Uganda. I: Crisis in Autocratic Regimes. Lynne Rienner Publishers 2017 ISBN 978-1-62637-673-1. s. 111-134UiB  

41. Jensen, Mads Dagnis; Tatham, Michael Robert. Policy Analysis, International Relations, and European Governance – Beyond Disciplinary Boundaries. International Journal of Public Administration 2017 ;Volum 40.(14) s. 1159-1163UiB  

42. Jupskås, Anders Ravik; Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth; Kalsnes, Bente; Aalberg, Toril. Norway: Populism From Anti-Tax Movement to Government Party. I: Populist Political Communciation in Europe. Routledge 2017 ISBN 9781138654808. s. 54-67NTNU UiB UiO  

43. Kuhnle, Stein. Fellesnordisk inspirasjon for velferdspolitikk i verden. I: På väg: En vänbok till Sven E. Olsson Hort. Arkiv förlag & tidskrift 2017 ISBN 978 91 7924 289 3. s. 137-146UiB  

44. Kuhnle, Stein. Globalizing welfare. Journal of Policy Science 2017 ;Volum 11. s. 47-60UiB  

45. Kuhnle, Stein. “Mis on Põhjamaad? Põhjamaade identiteedi kujunemine» ("What is Norden? Shaping of the Nordic Identity"). I: Eesti JA Põhjamaad - Eesti KUI Põhjamaa?. Tartu: University of Tartu 2017 ISBN 978-9949-604-06-7. s. 21-30UiB  

46. Kuhnle, Stein; Alestalo, Matti. The Modern Scandinavian Welfare State. I: The Routledge Handbook of Scandinavian Politics. Routledge 2017 ISBN 9781138905856. UiB  

47. Kuhnle, Stein; Hort, Sven E.O.; Alestalo, Matti. "LIÇÕES DO MODELO NÓRDICO DO ESTADO DE BEM-ESTAR SOCIAL E GOVERNANÇA CONSENSUAL". Revista Direito das Relações Sociais e Trabalhistas 2017 ;Volum 3.(1) s. 37-52UiB  

48. Kumlin, Staffan; Wollebæk, Dag; Fladmoe, Audun; Steen-Johnsen, Kari. Leap of Faith or Judgment of Deservingness? Generalized Trust, Trust in Immigrants and Support for the Welfare State. I: The Social Legitimacy of Targeted Welfare: Attitudes towards welfare Deservingness. Edward Elgar Publishing 2017 ISBN 9781785367205. s. 281-296ISF UiB  

49. Linde, Jonas; Dahlberg, Stefan. The winner-loser gap and satisfaction with democracy. Saktuelt 2017 UiB  

50. Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H.; Nordø, Åsta Dyrnes. La búsqueda de la coordinación en los gobiernos centrales Europeos. Gestión y Política Públicia 2017 ;Volum 26. Suppl. Special Issue s. 11-47UiB 

51. Malamud, Andres; Marsteintredet, Leiv. Lula, Humala, y el mito del hiperpresidencialismo. La Nación 2017 UiB  

52. Marsteintredet, Leiv. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Den demokratiske opposisjonens dilemma i Venezuela.. Saktuelt 2017 UiB  

53. Marsteintredet, Leiv. Mørke over Venezuela. VG : Verdens gang 2017 UiB  

54. Marsteintredet, Leiv. Norge i Latin-Amerika. Endrede forbindelser og stagnerte forestillinger. I: Norge i Latin-Amerika: Forbindelser og forestillinger. Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2017 ISBN 9788202548483. s. 15-31UiB  

55. Marsteintredet, Leiv. Norge i Latin-Amerika: Forbindelser og forestillinger. Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2017 (ISBN 9788202548483) 344 s. UiB  

56. Marsteintredet, Leiv. Norske forskere og Latin-Amerika: Mellom solidaritet og sannhetssøken?. I: Norge i Latin-Amerika: Forbindelser og forestillinger. Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2017 ISBN 9788202548483. s. 299-324UiB  

57. Marsteintredet, Leiv. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the mobilisation of parliaments. I: The International Human Rights Judiciary and National Parliaments: Europe and Beyond. Cambridge University Press 2017 ISBN 9781316874820. s. 248-272UiB  

58. Marsteintredet, Leiv; Orre, Aslak Jangård. Venezuelas falske venner. Bergens Tidende 2017 CMI UiB  

59. Midtbø, Tor. Democracy and the demand for government redistribution: A survey analysis. European Journal of Political Research 2017 s. 1-16UiB  

60. Mjelde, Hilmar Langhelle. De uregjerlige. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 2017 UiB  

61. Mjelde, Hilmar Langhelle. Kampen om fakta. BT 2017 UiB  

62. Mjelde, Hilmar Langhelle. Trumps avtrykk. NRK Ytring 2017 UiB  

63. Nilsen, Heidi Rapp; Strømsnes, Kristin; Schmidt, Ulla. A Broad Alliance of Civil Society Organizations on Climate Change Mitigation: Political Strength or Legitimizing Support?. Journal of Civil Society 2017 ;Volum 14.(1) s. 20-40NORUT UiB  

64. Palmer, Erika. Beyond Proximity: Consequentialist Ethics and System Dynamics. Etikk i praksis 2017 ;Volum 11.(1) s. 89-105UiB  

65. Palmer, Erika. Morten Knudsen and Werner Vogd (eds.): Systems Theory and the Sociology of Health and Illness: Observing Healthcare. Czech Sociological Review 2017 ;Volum 6.UiB  

66. Palmer, Erika. Structural disadvantage: Evidence of gender disparities in the Norwegian pension system. Social Sciences 2017 ;Volum 6:22. s. 1-15UiB  

67. Palmer, Erika; Wilson, Benedicte. Models with Men and Women: Representing Gender in Dynamic Modeling of Social Systems. Science and Engineering Ethics 2017 s. 1-21UiB  

68. Pedersen, Axel West; Kuhnle, Stein. The Nordic welfare state model. I: The Nordic Models in Political Science : Challenged, but Still Viable?. Fagbokforlaget 2017 ISBN 978-82-450-2175-2. s. 219-238ISF UiB  

69. Peters, Yvette; Arnesen, Sveinung. The Legitimacy of Representation: How Descriptive, Formal, and Responsiveness Representation Affect the Acceptability of Political Decisions. Comparative Political Studies 2017 UiB  

70. Petersen, Klaus; Kuhnle, Stein; Otsuka, Yoko; Kettunen, Pauli; Kamiko, Akio. The Nordic Welfare Model: Still Sustainable? Five Exceptions and Policy Cooperation. Tokyo: Minerva Shobo 2017 (ISBN 978-4-623-07535-5) 420 s. UiB  

71. Picot, Georg Johannes. EU-Kritik und historische Unvernunft. I: Das freie Wort: Vom öffentlichen Gebrauch der Vernunft in postfaktischen Zeitalter. München: Allitera Verlag 2017 ISBN 978-3-86906-983-8. s. 155-170UiB  

72. Picot, Georg Johannes; Menéndez, Irene. Political parties and non-standard employment: An analysis of France, Germany, Italy and Spain. Socio-Economic Review 2017 s. -UiB  

73. Picot, Georg Johannes; Tassinari, Arianna. All of one kind? Labour market reforms under austerity in Italy and Spain. Socio-Economic Review 2017 ;Volum 15.(2) s. 461-482UiB  

74. Rakner, Lise. Democratization and Regime Change. I: Politics in the Developing World, 5th Edition. Oxford University Press 2017 ISBN 978-0-19-873743-8. s. 211-225CMI UiB  

75. Rakner, Lise. Governance. I: Politics in the Developing World, 5th Edition. Oxford University Press 2017 ISBN 978-0-19-873743-8. s. 226-242CMI UiB  

76. Rakner, Lise. Tax bargains in unlikely places: The politics of Zambian mining taxes. The Extractive Industries and Society 2017 ;Volum 4.(3) s. 525-538CMI UiB  

77. Rakner, Lise; Helle, Svein Erik. The Impact of Elections: The Case of Uganda. Lynne Rienner Publishers 2017 (ISBN 978-1-62637-673-1) 269 s. UiB CMI  

78. Rakner, Lise; Randall, Vicky. Institutional Perspectives. I: Politics in the Developing World, 5th Edition. Oxford University Press 2017 ISBN 978-0-19-873743-8. s. 44-57CMI UiB  

79. Rakner, Lise; Randall, Vicky; Peter, Burnell. Politics in the Developing World, 5th Edition. Oxford University Press 2017 (ISBN 978-0-19-873743-8) 453 s. CMI UiB  

80. Saghaug Broderstad, Troy. A meta-analysis of income and democracy. Democratization 2017 ;Volum 25.(2) s. 293-311UiB  

81. Saghaug Broderstad, Troy; Marsteintredet, Leiv; Tranvåg, Håkon. Norske statsvitskaplege publikasjonar - Noreg i ein internasjonal kontekst. Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift 2017 ;Volum 32.(3-4) s. 318-328UiB  

82. Saghaug Broderstad, Troy; Tranvåg, Håkon; Marsteintredet, Leiv. Norwegian political science in Norway and abroad: major publications 1999–2014.. European Political Science 2017 s. 1-20UiB  

83. Sedelius, Thomas; Linde, Jonas. Democracy and Government Performance: Parliamentarism, Premier-Presidentialism, President-Parliamentarism, and Presidentialism. Presidential Power. Presidents and presidential politics around the world 2017 UiB  

84. Sedelius, Thomas; Linde, Jonas. Unravelling Semi-Presidentialism: Democracy and Government Performance in Four Distinct Regime Types. Democratization 2017 UiB  

85. Selle, Per. Life Cycles of Individual Associations (chap. 38, With Dan Sundblom, David Horton Smith and Courtney Jenseny) In: D.H. Smith, Robert Stebbins & Jurgen Grotz, eds.: Palgrave Handbook of Volunteering, Civic Participation, and Nonprofit Associations. London: Palgrave Macmillan 2017 (ISBN 978-1-137-26316-2) UiB  

86. Selle, Per. The Sami: 25 years of Indigenous Authorty in Norway (With Torvald Falch and Kristin Strømsnes). London: Routledge 2017 (ISBN 978-1-138-95395-6) 189 s. UiB  

87. Selle, Per. Voluntary Organizations in the Nordic Countries (With Karl Henrik Sivesind). I: The Nordic Welfare Model: Still Sustainable? Five Exceptions and Policy Cooperation. Tokyo: Minerva Shobo 2017 ISBN 978-4-623-07535-5. s. -UiB  

88. Sindre, Gyda Marås. Indonesia: Dynamics of Regime Change. I: Politics in the Developing World, 5th Edition. Oxford University Press 2017 ISBN 978-0-19-873743-8. UiB  

89. Söderström, Johanna. Fear of Electoral Violence and its Impact on Political Knowledge in Sub-Saharan Africa. Political Studies 2017 s. 1-18UiB  

90. Söderström, Johanna; Oppenheim, Ben. Citizens by Design? Explaining Ex-Combatant Satisfaction with Reintegration Programming. Journal of Development Studies 2017 UiB  

91. Tatham, Michael Robert. Disentangling actors from their environment? Pitfalls and added-value of the strategic-choice approach. International Journal of Public Administration 2017 ;Volum 40.(14) s. 1197-1210UiB  

92. Tatham, Michael Robert. Networkers, fund hunters, intermediaries, or policy players? The activities of regions in Brussels. West European Politics 2017 ;Volum 40.(5) s. 1088-1108UiB  

93. Tvinnereim, Endre; Fløttum, Kjersti; Gjerstad, Øyvind; Johannesson, Mikael; Nordø, Åsta Dyrnes. Citizens' preferences for tackling climate change. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of their freely formulated solutions. Global Environmental Change 2017 ;Volum 46. s. 34-41UiB UNI