Stein Rokkan’s Legacy: The Past and Future of Comparative Politics
Stein Rokkan Memorial Lecture Symposium “Stein Rokkan’s Legacy: The Past and Future of Comparative Politics” was held on Friday, October 29th. The symposium follows the 2021 Stein Rokkan memorial lecture on Thursday and commemorates the 100th birthday of Stein Rokkan The symposium re-evaluated Rokkan’s work on nation-building, citizenship, democratisation, mobilisation and comparative politics methodology through six exciting presentations given by external speakers from the Universities of Amsterdam, Gothenburg, Oslo and Tromsø as well as colleagues at the Department of Comparative Politics. The programme of the symposium is available here.

Date: Friday October 29th
Location: Scandic Bergen City Hotel
9:00 – 9:20 Arrival and welcome
9:20 – 10:40: Panel I: Nation-building and citizenship
Chair: Raimondas Ibenskas
Imke Habers (University of Amsterdam)
Citizens and Territory: Rokkan’s Strategies of Boundary-Building Revisited
Per Selle (University of Bergen)
An Indigenous Community of Rights – Sámi System Building in the Norwegian Unitary State
10:40 – 11:00: Coffee break
11:00 – 12:20: Panel II: Democratisation and mobilisation
Chair: Yvette Peters
Agnes Cornell (University of Gothenburg)
Democratic Stability in an Age of Crisis. Reassessing the Interwar Period
Jonas Stein (University of Tromsø)
The usefulness of a Rokkanian perspective for understanding contemporary local and regional politics
12:20 – 13:20: Lunch
13:20 – 4:40: Panel III: Stein Rokkan and comparative politics methodology
Chair: Kristin Strømsnes
Lars Mjøset (University of Oslo)
Rokkan as a grounded theorist. Reflections on his Paris 1976 lecture
Einar Berntzen (University of Bergen)
Where to place Stein Rokkans thinking within the modern Comparative Historical Analysis Tradition
14:40 – 15:00: Coffee break
15:00 – 5:30 Concluding discussion
Chair: Raimondas Ibenskas
Scientific Committee: Raimondas Ibenskas, Yvette Peters, Per Selle and Kristin Strømsnes.