Department of Biological Sciences - strategy
Department of Biological Sciences (BIO) shall perform research at a high international level and educate excellent candidates within a broad range of biological disciplines. A large part of the work is centered around the marine environment, biological effects of climate change and molecular life science, which are all fields of priority at the University of Bergen (UiB) and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MN)
Main content
The department's strategy for achieving our overall goals is formulated in a strategic plan which you will find below. The plan is complemented by an action plan ("Handlingsplan for Institutt for biovitenskap 2022 - 2026") as well as a local action plan for work with gender balance ("Institutt for biovitenskap - lokal handlingsplan for arbeid med kjønnsbalanse, likestilling og mangfold"). The latter two documents are only available in Norwegian language.
Strategic plan for the Department of Biological Sciences 2022 - 2026
Handlingsplan for Institutt for biovitenskap 2022 - 2026 (Norwegian language)
Institutt for biovitenskap - lokal handlingsplan for arbeid med kjønnsbalanse, likestilling og mangfold (Norwegian language)