Research activities in the EnPe Collaboration include a large variety of geological and geophysical projects.

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The Research EnPe collaboration
- aims to strengthen M.Sc. programes and petroleum related research at Makerere University and University of Juba in order to support these young petroleum economies with a workforce in demand in addition to applied geoscience research. These aims are met through the funding of several master-, PhD- and postdoctoral projects, as well as the establishment of a proper infrastructure for producing high-quality research.
Students or staff enrolled in research projects funded through EnPe will have access to modern facilities with up-to-date software, and will also have the unique opportunity to be part an internatinal network. Research topics include a variety of geological and geophysical studies which aim to provide not just new knowledge to the field of geoscience, but also to provide the researcher with skills applicable for a variety of jobs in both the industrial and public sectors.
Equipment Phase I
Following equipment have been procured during the EnPe program to support building up an advanced Computer lab and a Geo lab.
- 24 inch slab Saw
- Vacuum impregnation unit, especially designed for impregnation of porous materials
Polarizing Microscope
Grinding and Lapping machine
6” Trin Saw for thin sections
Projector for computer lab
Desktop Workstations
- Printer
- Software for geo science applications
- Uninterruptable Power Supplies / stabilizers for power supply
Equipment Phase II
Following equipment have been procured during the EnPe program to support building up an advanced Computer lab and a Geo lab.
- Lab Fridge
- Lab Frezzer
- Lapping Machine for
- Jaw Crusher
- Muffle Furnace
- Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
- Spareparts for equipment procured during the EnPe project