  • E-mailroxana.roos@uib.no
  • Visitor Address
    Parkveien 9
    Ida Bloms hus
    5007 Bergen
  • Postal Address
    Postboks 7805
    5020 Bergen

I am a senior researcher employed by the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University (UU), and based at the Norwegian Semper Arctic project team at the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities at University of Bergen (UiB).

I have a mixed background with a training in science and technology (Narvik University College) and in educational research (PhD from Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, HVL). My PhD research (monograph) focused on institutional culture in higher education institutions and how educators operate in the field of tension between government regulation and institutional freedom.

From 2021, I have been associate professor at HVL until Autumn 2023, where I have developed, coordinated and taught several MSc courses and have been supervising MSc students. At present I am a guest researcher at UiB.

My present work at UU/UiB is in the field of environmental studies / environmental humanities and is part of the Semper Arctic [2020-2024] international research project funded under the Belmont Forum. The Semper Arctic project elicits local stories of changes, crises and shocks in three Arctic communities in Greenland and Russia, and analyses in an interdisciplinary way how these narratives incorporate notions of resilience.

Within Semper Arctic I work on reflexivity (WP2) and resilience (WP5). I review how the concerns and local knowledge of local communities are represented in scientific articles by 15 practicing researchers working with local communities. I focus on what pitfalls and challenges researchers face when working with local communities and how researchers handle these. My analysis is further based on qualitative interviews with the 15 selected researchers that work with local communities. Further I work on resilience to long-term changes in the Semper Arctic case study areas.




Roos, R. “Maybe you need to do something about it”: challenges in global environmental change research with and within local communities. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 11, 429 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-024-02942-5

Singh, O. (2023) The making of representations of concerns and knowledge of local and indigenous people. Presentation at AFINO workshop “Inter- and transdisciplinary challenges in practice”, 1 Aug 2023, Metochi Study Centre, Lesvos, Greece. 

Singh, O. (2023) Transparens i foucauldiansk diskursanalyse i utdanningsforskning. (Transparency in Foucauldian discourse analysis in educational research, in Norwegian with English abstract) Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift 107 (1): 93–104. doi:10.18261/npt.107.1.9

Singh, O. (2021) Hva kan internasjonal Foucault-basert forskning på læreplaner og praksis tilby matematikkutdanning og undervisning i norsk kontekst? Transkripsjon av prøveforelesning knytet til disputas, 12.11.2021 HVL, Bergen, Norge, Ph.D-program av danning og didaktiske praksiser.

Singh, O. (2021). Med fokus på lærerutdanneres frihet - En diskursanalytisk studie om hvordan frihet framtrer i matematikklærerutdanneres utforming av faget matematikk for trinn 5 – 10 i kontekst av styringsdokumenter. PhD thesis. (Monograph, in Norwegian), Bodoni AS / Høgskulen på Vestlandet. Bergen, Norway. ISBN 978-82-93677-66-6.

Singh, O. (2017). Danningsperspektiver på utforming av lærersubjektet i læreverket i matematikk. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 101(03), 266-277.

Singh, O., Engelsen, K.S., Espeland, M. (2016). Improvisasjon i lærerutdanning, Tangenten 4/2016: 40-48.

Singh, O.F. (2016). Måling i barnehagen. Tangenten 3/2016: 8-14.

Singh, O. (2014), I øyeblikket: En studie om IKT sin medierende rolle i improvisatoriske samhandlinger mellom lærerutdanner og studenter i faget matematikkdidaktikk. MSc thesis. Høgskolen Stord/Haugesund. Stord.

Academic article
  • Show author(s) (2024). “Maybe you need to do something about it”: challenges in global environmental change research with and within local communities. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications.
  • Show author(s) (2017). Danningsperspektiver på utforming av lærersubjektet i læreverket i matematikk. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift. 266-277.
  • Show author(s) (2016). Improvisasjon i lærerutdanning. Tangenten - Tidsskrift for matematikkundervisning. 40-48.
Doctoral dissertation
  • Show author(s) (2021). Med fokus på lærerutdanneres frihet - En diskursanalytisk studie om hvordan frihet framtrer i matematikklærerutdanneres utforming av faget matematikk for trinn 5-10 i kontekst av styringsdokumenter.

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