Qifan Li's master's defense
One more student from the Analysis Group has defended his master's thesis! His name is Qifan Li and he is our third excellent student in all senses. He worked excellently and got an excellent grade. Congratulations!

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Qifan Li came to Bergen in August 2009 and suddenly appeared at the Analysis Seminar saying that he wants to study quasiregular maps. There was no doubt that Irina Markina should be his supervisor. Qifan obtained his bachelor's and master's degrees in China, so the degree at the University of Bergen is his second Master's. His first master's thesis "On Uniqueness of Meromorphic Functions" was defended in 2008 under the supervision of Professor Xiong Weiling at the Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi Province. The second thesis titled “Some Regularity Results for Certain Weakly Quasiregular Mappings on Heisenberg Group and Elliptic Equations” was defended on March 22, 2011, and according to the opponent “… after some minor corrections could be defended as a Ph.D. thesis.”
Now Qifan is enjoying the life: preparing exercise classes for the measure theory course, taking different English tests and exams, applying for Ph.D. positions, and doing mathematics! Up to now he has 4 written works and one of his manuscripts has been accepted for publication in Communications in Pure and Applied Analysis.
We wish Qifan good luck in his applications for scholarships and in his scientific career!