Risk Perceptions and Mental Models regarding Microplastics in freshwater systems and solutions

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About the project:
This project is part of the EU funded, Horizon 2020 - Marie Slodowska Curie Action “LimnoPlast” project, which attempts to tackle the MP problem from numerous angles bringing together approaches from different disciplines in a holistic manner. The unique contribution of this PhD project is to provide knowledge concerning how the risk communication of the global problem of microplastics (MP) should be delivered, which in turn may optimize the chances that effective solutions will be supported by the public. Moreover, this can inform behavior change interventions that target solutions to the issue of MP.
This is a PhD project that will be completed by the candidate Marcos Felipe Rodríguez, who has a background in cognitive psychology and neuropsychology. He is supervised by Gisela Böhm -University of Bergen and Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences- and Rouven Doran -University of Bergen- who have extensive experience applying psychology and social sciences to different environmental issues such as Climate Change and Energy Transition.
Start Date: August 2020
Expected Date of Completion: August 2023
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