Can we find standards for describing electronic literature?
The Electronic Literature Research Group is hosting an international workshop on Databases and Bibliographic Standards for Electronic Literature.

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What are the core fields we should use to discuss a work of electronic literautre? This is important for researchers in the field, and for the databases we're creating for electronic literature, but it's also important for libraries, which are transitioning to archiving more more digital material. The second goal of the workshop is to figure out how to exchange and share information between the databases we're developing.
There are represenatives from the three largest databases of electronic literature: NT2 from Montreal, the Electronic Literature Directory, based in the USA, and the ELMCIP Knowledge Base, which is being developed here in Bergen. In addition, we have participants from a number of other important databases and archives, including at the University of Siegen, the Australian E-Lit Directory, which is just starting up, the Writing Digital Media Collection at Brown University, and the Arcquivo Digital da Literatura Experimental Portugesa.