NBRP books

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The prgoramme has produced a series of books: monographs, edited volumes and bibliographies. Most of the publications are available for free download on the Bergen Open Research Archive.
Climate and Health
Asgeir Sorteberg, Ellen Viste & Bård Hekland (eds)
Fountain Publishers, Kampala, 2011
Climate & Health deals with modelling and analysis of precipitation observations from the Nile Basin; satellite data for hydrological modelling; evapotranspiration; climate sensitivity and the effect of climate on health with focus on malaria.
Nile Issues: Small Streams from the Nile Basin Research Programme
Terje Oestigaard
Fountain Publishers, Kampala, 2010
This popular book presents some of the results from the Nile Basin Research Programme. It looks at rights to the water resources; land use and the environment; cultural and religious traditions; the aid system; and research in the region. PDF
The River Nile in the Post-Colonial Age
Terje Tvedt (ed)
I.B.Tauris, London, 2010
This is the first comprehensive and detailed account of the modern development of the Nile Basin and of the efforts to manage the Nile waters. It is a indispensable aid to understanding the complex history of the Nile. Read Chapter 1 and Chapter 11. More information from I.B.Tauris.
Shaping Research Universities in the Nile Basin Countries
Kassahun Berhanu Alemu, Tor Halvorsen & Mary Mwiandi (eds)
Fountain Publishers, Kampala, 2010
This two-volume publication provides an overview of the status of the research university in the various countries of the Nile Basin.
Reshaping Research Universities in the Nile Basin Countries
Kassahun Berhanu Alemu, Tor Halvorsen & Mary Mwiandi (eds)
Fountain Publishers, Kampala, 2010
Traditional Systems of Water and Water Resource Management Along the Upper Congo River
Raphael M. Tshmanga
Fountain Publishers, Kampala, 2010
This unique contribution to the water management litterature details the traditons of hunter-gatherers in the rainforests of the north-eastern Congo.
Trade and Wadi Systems in the Muslim Sudan
Intisar Soghayroun ElZein Soghayroun
Fountain Publishers, Kampala, 2010
The earliest contact between Sudan and the outside world were through trade routes. The author analyses this trade, with a focus on the role of the wadis, which cross uninhabitable lands and afford safe routes for traders. PDF
The Neolithic of the Middle Nile Region
Azhari Mustafa Sadig
Fountain Publishers, Kampala, 2010
This book sheds new light on how people interacted with, and depended on the River Nile. It looks at issues like land and its resources, and gives chronological and cultural development dimensions of the Neolithic. Part I, Part II, Part III
Contemplating the Fipa Ironworking
Bertram Mapunda
Fountain Publishers, Kampala, 2010
The author provides an alternative version of the history of the Fipa people. He shows how metallurgy can move beyond technology and abundantly inform such areas of ethnicity, peopling, settlements, healing, symbolism, trade, etc.
Water, Culture and Identity: Comparing Past and Present Traditions in the Nile Basin Region
Terje Oestigaard (ed)
BRIC, Bergen, 2009
The common element in this collection of papers is water and how water structures ideology and society, as well as the role of water and rivers for the development of societies along the River Nile. PDF
A Bibliography on the River Nile
This 850-page bibliography in three volumes covers all scientific disciplines with more than 5000 entries (1530 annotated) of books, articles, grey literature, planning documents and reports.
Vol. I The River Nile and its Economic, Political, Social and Cultural Role. An Annotated Bibliography. PDF
Terje Tvedt
BRIC, Bergen, 2008
Vol. II Literature Published 2000-2006 PDF
Terje Tvedt & Eirik Hovden
BRIC, Bergen, 2008
Vol III Nile Plans and Reports 1960-2006. Partially annotated. PDF
Terje Tvedt with Eirik Hovden
BRIC, Bergen, 2008
The River Nile in the Age of the British: Political Ecology and the Quest for Economic Power
Terje Tvedt
I.B.Tauris, London, 2004
A book by one of the professors involved in establishing the Nile Basin Research Programme at the University of Bergen. The book is highly relevant for understanding the history and the recent developments in the region, form Tanzania and Uganda in the south, to Ethiopia and Eritrea in the east and Egypt in the north. It puts forth a number of new interpretations of major historical issues that have affected the whole region. The book was short-listed by the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies as one of the best books about the Middle East in in 2004. The book is avalable at Google Books.