GRS will be strongly represented at the Day in the Arts in Illinois
Senior researchers from GRS will be opening the Day in the Arts being in the starting panel discussing the 21st century research education in the arts - a disciplinary or an interdisciplinary approach?
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This interesting start, and the rest of the Day in the Arts, will take place on Wednesday, May 16, and is part of The Eight International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, taking place at the University of Illinois.
Several PhD candidates from GRS will also present papers during this day, covering topics such as innovative practices of arts in the school, aesthetics in arts aducation research and participatory action research (the latter beiing a presentation based on a project with a rock band consisting of ex-inmates).
There will also be papers by researches from GRS on the main conference (QI).
This will all give GRS and its researchers an opportunity to be visible in one of the most important settings where qualitative research is discussed.
We wish you a great congress week!
Read more about the congress QI on this website