First input meeting completed
About a hundred employees and students showed up to hear about the work to be done during the year, and to share their thoughts on what direction the university will take in the years to come. - I want to thank the presenters and everyone who attended the meeting, rector Margareth Hagen says.

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On Friday 25 March, the first input meeting in connection with UiB's new strategy was held. About a hundred employees and students showed up in Auditorium 1 in the Juss building to hear about the work to be done during the year, and to share their thoughts on what direction the university will take in the years to come.
- There were many good suggestions, and I want to thank the presenters and everyone who attended the meeting. We will take these inputs with us in the further work on a new strategy, said Rector Margareth Hagen after the meeting.
Want more interdisciplinary
Several of the speakers expressed a desire to focus on more interdisciplinary work in the years to come. More specifically, there were suggestions to make it easier to take subjects at several faculties at the same time, and that it must be easier for teachers to teach at different faculties. Another issue that was highlighted was that the collaboration at the university must be better, and that the support functions are given both space and the opportunity to do their tasks.
- UiB should set up good support functions so that clusters and centers cooperate well with the outside world, said John Magnus Ragnhildson Dahl, postdoctoral fellow at the SV faculty, who represented the temporary employees.

Mange ansatte og studenter deltok på innspillsmøtet for den nye strategien.
In addition to Dahl, professor at the Department of Geosciences Nele Meckler, law student Marit Moen Fjeld and head of administration at Clinical Department 1, Jorunn Skei presented as presenters, and presented their views on these questions:
- What values does the university represent in society, and how do you think UiB fulfills its role as a social and cultural institution?
- What prerequisites and frameworks are the most important for you to be able to do a good job as a scientific employee / student?
- Do you have input on what a new UiB strategy should emphasize in order for these assumptions and frameworks to be in place?
- How do you envision UiB in 2030 if the strategy followed up on your goals and visions?
Welcomes further input
Rector also invites all other employees and students to present their views on these issues, and to send their input to the new strategy to
All input that came to the meeting, as well as input sent by e-mail, will be included in the further work with basic analyzes and discussions with the university board. Several input meetings are planned for the new strategy during the spring, and at the beginning of May a board seminar will be held where the university board will be presented with various analyzes that have been made, and key topics will be discussed.
The strategy will also be a topic at the university leadership conference in April.
The actual design of the new strategy will start in full force this autumn.