Course of study

Structure of Sociology, 1 year

Årsstudium i sosiologi
Årsstudium med innføringsemne
Mandatory course
Course codeCourse titleSPSR
MET103Qualitative Methods101–22
MET104Quantitative methods101–22
SOS100AIntroduction to Sociology with Specialization201–21
Choose minimum one of the courses
Course codeCourse titleSPSR
EXPHIL-SVEKSExamen Philosophicum101–21
EXPHIL-SVSEMExamen Philosophicum101–21
Årsstudium med spesialiseringsemne
Mandatory course
Course codeCourse titleSPSR
MET103Qualitative Methods101–22
MET104Quantitative methods101–22
SOS103Social Structure and Social Change151–21
SOS113Welfare and Inequality151–21
SOS121Classical sociological theory101–22
SP = ECTS credits, S = Semester, R = Recommended semester