Institutt for geovitenskap

Bergen Geoanalytiske Fasiliteter

The Department of Earth Sciense runs a number of different research laboratories housing a wide spectrum of modern equipment for analysis and lab experiments, several of which have status as national infrastructure (Earthlab, Farlab). The Bergen Geoanalytical Facility consists of four main labs - EARTHLAB, FARLAB, LABELISA and ELMILAB


The Bergen Geoanalytical Facility - BGF (formerly CEIA) was established around several existing mass spectrometry techniques at the University of Bergen and it was officially opened on September 29, 2005. The main goal of BGF is to serve fundamental and applied research in elemental and isotope geochemistry and analytical chemistry for scientists from academic and government institutions, private companies and industry. It has been initially funded by the University of Bergen and the Norwegian Research Council, subsequently also from various collaborative projects both within and outside the University.

The main expertise of the BGF is in phase, elemental and isotopic analysis of inorganic samples (geological, archaeological and environmental) but we also do analyses of organic matrices like blood serum, shells, organic-rich sediments etc.

We also make use of additional facilities for sample preparation and elemental analysis (sample homogenization, mineral separation, thin section preparation and laboratory for electron microscopy) in the Department of Earth Science at the University of Bergen. Please take a tour through the labs on this web site and see what we do.

For more information look at main webpage of BGF: https://www.uib.no/en/geo/53017/laboratory-facilites-department-earth-science-bergen