Centre for Geobiology

Day 8

What lives near the vents? Is this community unique? Is it related to other, ‘typical’ deep sea communities near-by?


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Date: 1 August 2009
Weather conditions:  overcast; very gray, slightly foggy
Temperature (air / water):  8.6/ 6.7 °C dew point = 8.0 °C
Wind speed:  2.4m/s
Wave height: movement overnight, but now quiet again 1.2m
Location:  73°N, 8°E

Daily report:

Researchers are studying the 3D biological community around the vent. They will use the CTD to take water samples below, in and above the plume. These will be filtered through a succession of increasingly smaller filters to isolate (1) small organisms (2) bacteria (and archaea) (3) viruses. They will take a similar panel of samples from the water column away from the vent to have some background information of the ‘typical' organisms found here.

They are doing the same thing on the sediments around the vents, and even in the sediments with cores.

DNA tests will be used to see if the organisms seen are the same in different locations or not.

The geochemists are also analysing the same samples to establish various environmental parameters in each location. The research team is working together across their various disciplines to build up a systemic understanding of hydrothermal vents.

The new area we stumbled upon yesterday seems to be rich in biota - are these the same organisms are we have seen on the black smokers?

How did the structures in the new area form? What is the relationship between the tubeworms, bacteria and vent minerals found there? What does this tell us about hydrothermal vent processes??

How big is the plume? How far do its effects extend? How much does it change with currents?

It has been a good cruise. We are coming home with more questions than answers - and this means many stimulating discussions and extensive lab work for the coming year.

The ROV has developed a kind of arthritis in its main grab arm. The pilots are stripping it down to try to find the problem - would that our joint problems could be solved as easily!! Hopefully they will be successful and we have a longer dive planed for today.


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