Institutt for geovitenskap

Æresdoktorforedrag: Christopher Aiden-Lee Jackson

Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet sin æresdoktor, Christopher Aiden-Lee Jackson, vil halde det populærvitskaplege foredraget med tittel "The Geological Disposal of Nuclear Waste: Opportunities, Challenges, and its Role in the Energy Transition"

Chris Jackson giving a talk at London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF)
London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF)


Professor Christopher Aiden-Lee Jackson vil i sitt æresdoktorforedrag snakke om den potensielle rolla til kjernekraft i i det grøne skiftet, og om utfordringar knytt til avfallshandtering av radioaktivt avfall. Foredraget vil bli gitt på engelsk.

"Nuclear power will likely play an increasingly important role in the energy transition, as we seek to reduce dependency on hydrocarbons and combat climate change. However, a key question is, “what will be done with the arising nuclear waste?”. It is internationally recognised that the safest method for the permanent disposal of higher-activity radioactive waste is in a deep, underground Geological Disposal Facility (GDF). The UK has, along with several countries, has embarked on a project to identify potential sites for the construction of a GDF, noting the suitability criteria includes a detailed understanding of the local and regional geology. In this talk I will outline the UK GDF programme and the key role that subsurface-focused scientists play in site characterisation, safety case development, and ultimately, the engineering of a subsurface repository for nuclear waste."

Jackson er ein aktiv og engasjerande formidlar og har blant anna holdt den prestisjetunge "Royal Institution (RI) Christmas lecture" på BBC som den fyrste svarte forelesar i forelesingsseriens 200 år lange historie. Han har vore med i fleire dokumentarar og intervju hjå internasjonale kringkastarar, og leiar sin eigen podcast "A Grown-Up Guide to Planet Earth".