Anti-Exceptionalism About Logic (Saul Kripke Center, CUNY, University of Bergen)
Together with the Saul Kripke Center (CUNY), the Bergen Logic Group is organizing a workshop in New York City, September 20-21.

Main content
Logic has frequently played an exceptional role in philosophical projects. The laws of logic have been considered self-evident, obvious or a priori, and therefore epistemologically foundational. As a result, logic has been set apart from the other sciences.
According to anti-exceptionalism, however, the priviliged epistemological status of logical laws has been exaggerated. Instead, both logical theories and theory-choice in logic are continuous with the theories and methods of other sciences. But what does that tell us about theory-choice in logic, and does it help us adjudicate in the many disputes between rival logical theories?
We are very grateful for funding from the Saul Kripke Center, The Research Council of Norway, and the University of Bergen.
Friday 20 September
09.30-11.00 Marcus Rossberg & Stewart Shapiro: `Science and logic: logic and science'
11.15-12.45 Romina Padro: tba
12.45-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.30 Saul Kripke: tba
15.45-17.15 Gillian Russell: `Social Spheres: Logic, Ranking and Subordination'
Saturday 21 September
10.15-11.45 Lionel Shapiro: `Logic as Fundamentally Non-Metalinguistic: Two Deflationary Perspectives'
12.00-13.30 Ole Hjortland & Ben Martin: `Evidence in logic: Two case studies'
13.30-14.30 Lunch
14.30-16.00 Christopher Blake-Turner: `Anti-Exceptionalism and Deflationism about Logic'
16.15-17.45 Graham Priest: `Anti-Exceptionalism and Non-Deductive Inference'