BetterAge | Innvation

– We turn people with dementia into dedicated athletes

The Norwegian company Motitech has invented a way to motivate older people and people with dementia to stay active. Imagine you have passed 90, have lost some of your balance and not remember so much. But suddenly you can take a cycle trip at the same place you used to live or work.

Riding bikes

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Makes it fun to exercise

By combining exercise bikes and customized local videos, the invention Motiview has managed to motivate thousands of patients to become more active. The company has also arranged competitions like world championships in Motiview-biking. 

“We turn older people and people with dementia into dedicated athletes. Many of the age-related disorders may be caused by inactivity, more than age itself.  Some of the most important things we can do is to facilitate and encourage regular activity, ” says Roald Kvam, Chief Strategy Officer at Motitech. 

Motivation is the key

He says the main challenge is to motivate older people and people with dementia to exercise - and repeat it. And how to manage this without increasing the need of resources. 

“The Motiview-concept from Motitech is an easy-to-use motivational tool that stimulates elderly (e.g. living in care homes) and people with dementia to be more physical and cognitive active. Using an exercise bike, video and sound, the users can take cycle trips through familiar surroundings and childhood memories. The constantly growing video library facilitates bringing memories back to life and inspires through the combination of sensory impression and physical activity,” says Kvam. 

Less medication and increased appetite

The beneficial results have been well documented in the Nordic rollouts: Improved mobility, fewer falls, faster rehabilitation, increased appetite, reduced obesity, reduction in aggressive behavior and medication, better sleep, less pain, improved well-being and encouraging for careers and family.

The long-term research and development (R&D) strategy of Motitech entails use of international validated assessment tools (e.g. EQ-5D), micro interviews, site reports and research protocols collecting “hard data” documenting impact. 

“We create an external and solid “3rd voice of value” through research and documentation – in addition to the multiple stories from our end-users and customers – that speaks on the end-users behalf as we approach new markets areas and target customers,” says Kvam.