
Faculty of Medicine

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The Faculty of Medicine is one of 7 faculties at the University of Bergen, and has about 1900 students. The Faculty consists of 5 departments, which provide the foundations for its teaching and research activities.

The Faculty of Medicine offers courses and degrees at Bachelor's, Master's and PhD level

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Lancet Commission on Investing in Health (CIH)

50 by 50 – How can we reduce the probability of dying before age 70 by 50 % globally by 2050?

A team of 50 leading international experts, the Lancet Commission on Investing in Health (CIH), explored this question, resulting in clear, actionable, and achievable measures for achieving this ambitious goal worldwide.

Healthworks are talking to a TB patient enrolled in the project.

Granted 12 million NOK to develop better diagnostic methods for tuberculosis

"This will have a huge impact on the health and quality of life of millions of people living in low-resource settings", says Prof. Mustafa about the new grant she has received from RCN.

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Long-term exposure to air pollution increases the risk of hospitalisation

Long-term exposure to air pollution and a lack of access to green spaces increases the risk of hospitalisation for respiratory conditions, according to a study conducted by UiB-researchers.

en mørkhudet mann titter inn i et mikroskop

EU backs life-saving research: Tackling child diarrhea in low-income countries

Diarrhea is the second leading cause of child mortality in low-income countries, following pneumonia. To tackle this issue, a consortium coordinated by UiB-professor Kurt Hanevik has secured EU funding to improve diagnosis and treatment of diarrheal diseases.

Bergen Summer Research School
Person looking at a notice board

Exploring alternative directions towards a sustainable future

“The fact that we have just five years left to reach the Sustainable Development Goals should give us reason to pause — can we not do better?” asks Professor Birgit Kopainsky, who will lead Bergen Summer Research School 2025.

Doctoral education

The aim of the research program at the Faculty of Medicine (the PhD degree) is to qualify the candidate for research activities and other work requiring a high level of scientific insight within the Faculty's research fields.

The Faculty of Medicine also administers the dr.philos. degree, which is an independent degree without supervision and organised research training. The two degrees are considered equal in status.

Read more about our doctoral education.