Innovation for students
Are you a student and interested in innovation? On this page you will find relevant information for you who are a student at the University of Bergen.

Main content
- the Innovation hub for students at UiB is a meeting place for creative students developing innovative ideas together. Membership is free, and gives access to facilities, workshops, social events and most importantly the UiB innovation community.
- the STUD-ENT program (NFR): Up to NOK 1 million in funding for students and recent Master’s degree graduates who have a promising business idea. STUD-ENT funding is to be used to realise the business idea or to carry out crucial activities that will provide the answers to key questions that a customer, industry partner, investor or other public/private funding source wishes to resolve before they contribute to/participate in the project. Activities for which this funding may be used, include:
- Business development
- Premarket evaluations
- Prototype development
- Technical proof-of-concept activities
- Technical equipment
- Advisory services and technical assistance
- Payroll costs
Next deadline expected february 2021 (2020 call was closed feb 12th ). If you have any questions or are interested in applying please contact
- VISinnoavsjon for students - VIS is our Technology Transfer Office, a a regional centre of expertise for innovation and commercialisation of research results. The main services VIS offer to student projects are:
- Gründerhub, a free entrepreneurship kick-start program offered 3 times per year
- Facilities and incubation for student projects
- Help with funding applications
- Internship at VIS - VIS usually offers internships to 5 – 8 students every academic year. Most interns at VIS work as business analysts. In addition, internships are offered within other fields where needed, e.g. communication, student entrepreneurship and law.
- Innovation Incubator at Medical faculty: Construction has started for expanding the BB-building with two extra floors dedicated to start-ups, spin-outs and innovation activities at UiB, Helse Bergen and VIS. This incubator will be dedicated to life sciences and medtech and include lab spaces . If you are currently a student interested in innovation, this may be the perfect place to develop your future best ideas.