Innovation SFI

Active and inclusive society for all ages

Friskus has, together with the University of Bergen and other key partners, applied for the establishment of the Better Age Center, in order to research how we can create good communities for the elderly.

Friskus staff
Friskus staff

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Our aging population is steadily increasing, and most of us wish to live at home for as long as possible. To do that, we depend of a number of factors, such as creating a rich amount of places where we can participate in both physical and social activity. To be able to live by ourselves for as long as possible, it must be easy for us to participate in social communities. How can we make sure that we are able to be active and social when we get older, and thus achieve better health?

Together with Professor Bettina Husebø at the University of Bergen (SEFAS) and the rest of the partners in the Better Age Center, Friskus wants to improve today's health care and find new solutions for the elderly care of the future. Both private and public partners are involved in the project, and both Harvard, Yale, Husbanken, GC Rieber and Bergen municipality has joined the team.

Friskus is looking forward to collaborate on increasing our knowledge across both public and private sectors.

- We want it to be easy for everyone to participate in meaningful activity - so that we can experience joy, belonging and involvement, says the founder of Friskus.com, Sigrid Petersson Nedkvitne.

According to Professor Betting Husebø at the Center for Aging and Nursing Medicine at the University of Bergen, Social meeting places are important for preventing several types of illnesses.

- Participating in social activities is important because both physical, mental and social activity helps reduce the risk of dementia, while also improving the quality of life and reduce the risk of depression in those who have already been diagnosed, she sais. Petersson Nedkvitne believes this makes the project a good fit with Friskus' work for a community where everyone has access to both physical and social activities. 

- It is important for us to participate in the research project because it will help to increase the knowledge about how social stimuli can prevent diseases and extend the time elderly can live at home in a safe environment. What happens if we give everyone access to a digital platform where they can choose activities they want to participate in, or where they can volunteer? Being able to attend social gatherings is crucial to both our physical and mental health, she continues.

Since its beginning, Friskus has participated in several research projects, including projects with the Research Council of Norway, NORCE, Høgskulen på Vestlandet and Innovation Norway, to ensure that there is research behind the development of their technology. Work is now underway on projects that will provide increased insight into, among other things, prevention of dementia.

- We will contribute to the project by sharing some of the experiences we have accumulated so far, through close cooperation with Norwegian municipalities. Our platform is used by several sectors in different municipalities, and will thus be able to contribute insight into how both culture and welfare can work together to prevent dementia and other diseases, sais Petersson Nedkvitne.

- The project gives us the opportunity to gain even better knowledge of how we can cooperate for an active and inclusive society - for all ages.