Bergen Offshore Wind Centre (BOW)
Scientific publications

Scientific publications

Wind turbine - Hywind Tampen
Gry E. Parker, UiB - Bergen Offshore Wind Centre (BOW)

Main content


  • Malekmohammadi SDuscha C, Jenkins AD, Kelberlau F, Gottschall J, Reuder J. Evaluating the Performance of Pulsed and Continuous-Wave Lidar Wind Profilers with a Controlled Motion Experiment. Remote Sensing. 2024; 16(17):3191, 2024 (access
  • Bakhoday-Paskyabi, M., Impact of swell waves on atmospheric surface turbulence: wave–turbulence decomposition methods. European Academy of Wind Energy. 2024; (acces)
  • C. Hente, B. Roccia, R. Rolfes, C. Gebhardt. Analytical linearization of aerodynamic loads in the unsteady vortex-lattice method with applications in nonlinear aeroelasticity. AIAA-Journal, in communication, 2024.
  • H. Nguyen, B. Roccia, R. Hiemstra, C. Gebhardt, D. Schillinger. Nonlinear dynamic analysis of shear- and torsion-free rods using isogeometric discretization and outlier removal. Computational Mechanics, in communication, 2024.
  • D. Märtins, D. Schuster, C. Hente, C. Gebhardt, R. Rolfes. On an objective, geometrically exact coupling element for a director-based multibody finite element framework. Multibody System Dynamics, in communication, 2024.
  • C. Gebhardt, S. Lange, M. Steinbach. Formulating and heuristic solving of contact problems in hybrid data-driven computational mechanics. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, 134:108031, 2024.
  • B. Roccia, C. Alturria, F. Mazzone, C. Gebhardt. On the homogeneous torsion problem for heterogeneous and orthotropic cross-sections: theoretical and numerical aspects. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 201:579-607, 2024.
  • B. Roccia, G. Bossio, F. Mazzone, C. Gebhardt. Modeling and stability analysis of a sliding bead from a problem-based learning perspective. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, 52:172-204, 2024.
  • Bui, H., Bakhoday-Paskyabi, M., & Mohammadpour-Penchah, M. (2024). Implementation of a Simple Actuator Disk for Large-Eddy Simulation in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF-SADLES v1.2) for wind turbine wake simulation. Geoscientific Model Development, 17(11), 4447–4465, 2024.
  • Liqin Jin, Mauro Ghirardelli, Jakob Mann, Mikael Sjöholm, Stephan Thomas Kral, Joachim Reuder. Rotary-wing drone-induced flow – comparison of simulations with lidar measurements. European Geosciences Union, Volume 17, issue 9AMT, 17, 2721–2737, 2024.   
  • B. Roccia, L. Ceballos, L. Verstraete, C. Gebhardt. Development and application of a mesh generator intended for unsteady vortex-lattice method simulations of wind turbines and wind farms. Wind Energy Science, 9:385-416, 2024.
  • E. Finserås, I. Herrera Anchustegui, E. Cheynet, C. Gebhardt, J. Reuder. Gone with the wind? Wind-farm induced wakes and regulatory gaps. Marine Policy, 159:105897, 2024.
  • Herrera Anchustegui, Ignacio; Tscherning, Rudiger. (2024). Offshore oil and gas infrastructure electrification and offshore wind: a legal exploration. Journal of World Energy Law and Business. 35-53.
  • Cheynet, Etienne; Li, Lin; Jiang, Zhiyu. (2024). Metocean conditions at two Norwegian sites for development of offshore wind farms. Renewable Energy. 1-17.
  •  Philibert, A., M. Lothon, J. Amestoy, P.-Y. Meslin, S. Derrien, Y. Bezombes, B. Campistron, F. Lohou, A. Vial, G. Canut-Rocafort, J. Reuder, and J. Brooke, 2024CALOTRITON: A convective boundary layer height estimation algorithm from UHF wind profiler data. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 17(6), 1679–1701, doi:10.5194/amt-17-1679-2024 (access)
  • Hannesdottir, A., S. T. KralJ. Reuder, and C. Hasager, 2024 Rain erosion atlas for wind turbine blades based on ERA5 and NORA3 for Scandinavia.Results in Engineering, 22, 102010, doi: 10.1016/j.rineng.2024.102010 (access)
  • Flem, A. A., M. Ghirardelli, S. T. Kral, E. Cheynet, T. O. Kristensen, and J. Reuder Experimental Characterization of Propeller Induced Flow (PIF) around a Multi-Rotor UAV.Atmosphere15(3), 242; doi:10.3390/atmos15030242 (access)
  • Zhang, Z., M. Bakhoday-Paskyabi, P. Schito, J. Reuder, and A Zasso, 2022 Wind Farm Inflow Wind Simulation based on mesoscale and Microscale Coupling.Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2265, 022044, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2265/2/022044 (access)
  • Flem, A. A., Ghirardelli, M., Kral, S. T., Cheynet, E., Kristensen, T. O., & Reuder, J. (2024). Experimental Characterization of Propeller-Induced Flow (PIF) below a Multi-Rotor UAV. Atmosphere, 15(3), 242.


  • B. Roccia, G. Bossio, F. Mazzone, C. Gebhardt. Modeling and stability analysis of a sliding bead from a problem-based learning perspective. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, online first, 2023.
  • M. Verstraete, L. Ceballos, C. Hente, B. Roccia, C. Gebhardt. A code-to-code benchmark for simulation tools based on the nonlinear unsteady vortex-lattice method. Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, 20:719-746, 2023.
  • C. Gebhardt, J. Schubert, M. Steinbach. Long-time principal geodesic analysis in director-based dynamics of hybrid mechanical systems. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 122:107240, 2023.
  • Krutova, Maria; Bakhoday Paskyabi, Mostafa; Reuder, Joachim; Nielsen, Finn Gunnar. (2023). Self-nested large-eddy simulations in PALM model system v21.10 for offshore wind prediction under different atmospheric stability conditions. Geoscientific Model Development. 3553-3564.
  • Duscha, Christiane Anabell; Palenik, Juraj; Spengler, Thomas; Reuder, Heinrich Joachim. (2023). Observing atmospheric convection with dual-scanning lidars. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 5103-5123.
  • El Guernaoui, Omar; Reuder, Joachim; Li, Dan; Maronga, Bjørn; Bakhoday Paskyabi, Mostafa; Wolf, Tobias; Esau, Igor. (2023). The Departure from Mixed-Layer Similarity During the Afternoon Decay of Turbulence in the Free-Convective Boundary Layer: Results from Large-Eddy Simulations. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 259-284.
  • Ning, Xu; Bakhoday Paskyabi, Mostafa; Bui, Hai; Mohammadpour Penchah, Mohammadreza. (2023). Evaluation of sea surface roughness parameterization in meso-to-micro scale simulation of the offshore wind field. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics.
  • Ahmed, Fahim Masud; Bakhoday Paskyabi, Mostafa. (2023). Effects of negative shear on loads for a 15 MW offshore wind turbine during low-level jet events. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS).
  • Cheynet, Etienne. (2023). Wind turbines and wind farm characteristics.
  • Ghirardelli, Mauro; Kral, Stephan Thomas; Müller, Nicolas Carlo; Hann, Richard; Cheynet, Etienne; Reuder, Joachim. (2023). Flow Structure around a Multicopter Drone: A Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis for Sensor Placement Considerations. Drones. 22 sider.


  • Pryor, S. C., R. J. Barthelmie, J. Cadence, K. Dyer, C. Hasager, R. Herring, S. T. Kral, R. Prieto, J. Reuder, M. Rodgers, M. Veraat, 2021Atmospheric drivers of wind turbine blade leading edge erosion: Hydrometeors.IEA Wind TCP Task 46 Technical Report, 46pp. (access)
  • Wang, S.; De Roo, F.; Thobois, L.; Reuder, J. Characterization of Terrain-Induced Turbulence by Large-Eddy Simulation for Air Safety Considerations in Airport Siting. Atmosphere 2022, 13, 952. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos13060952 (access)
  • Krutova, M., Bakhoday-Paskyabi, M., Reuder, J., and Nielsen, F. G.: Development of an automatic thresholding method for wake meandering studies and its application to the data set from scanning wind lidar, Wind Energ. Sci., 7, 849–873, https://doi.org/10.5194/wes-7-849-2022, 2022. (access)
  • Hannah E. Petrie, Christian H. Eide, Haflidi Haflidason, Timothy Watton; A conceptual geological model for offshore wind sites in former ice stream settings: The Utsira Nord site, North Sea. Journal of the Geological Society 2022; doi: https://doi.org/10.1144/jgs2021-163 (access)
  • Duscha, C., Barrell, C., Renfrew, I.A., Brooks, I.A., Sodemann, H., and Reuder, J.A Ship-Based Characterization of Coherent Boundary-Layer Structures Over the Lifecycle of a Marine Cold-Air Outbreak.Boundary-Layer Meteorol (2022). (access
  • Nybø, A., Nielsen, F.G Godvik, M. (2022). Sensitivity of the dynamic response of a multimegawatt floating wind turbine to the choice of turbulence model. Wind Energy (access


  • Bange, J., Reuder, J. & Platis, A. (2021). Unmanned Air Vehicle Measurements. In Foken. T (Ed.), Springer Handbook of Atmospheric Measuresments (Chapter 48). Springer Nature Switzerland AG (access)
  • Cheynet, E., Flügge, M., Reuder, J., Jakobsen, J. B., Heggelund, Y., Svardal, B., Garfias, P.B., Obhrai, C., Daniotti, N., Bergen, J., Duscha, C., Wildmann, N., Onarheim, I., H. & Godvik, M. (2021). The COTUR project: remote sensing of offshore turbulence for wind energy application. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14 (9) (access)
  • Christakos, K., Björkqvist, J.V., Tuomi, L. Furevik, B. R. & Breivik, Ø. (2021).  Modelling wave growth in narrow fetch geometries: The white-capping and wind input formulations. Ocean Modelling, 157, 101730. (access
  • Daniotti, N., Jakobsen, J. B., Snæbjörnsson, J., Cheynet, E., & Wang, J. (2021). Observations of bridge stay cable vibrations in dry and wet conditions: A case study. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 503, 116106 (access)
  • Hente, C., Gebhardt, C. & Rolfes, R. (2021). On the static analysis of nonlinear beam and shell structures with singular stiffness matrices due to redundant coordinates. Thin-Walled Structures, 161, 107496. (access)
  • Gebhardt, C. & Romero, I. (2021). On a nonlinear rod exhibiting only axial and bending deformations: mathematical modeling and numerical implementation. Acta Mechanica, 232, 3825-3847 (access)
  • Herrera Anchustegui, Ignacio and Rodrigues, Nuno Cunha, Extraterritorial Effects of EU Law on Gas Pipelines: The Case of Gazprom and Nord Stream 2 (May 1, 2021). Rodrigues, Nuno Cunha (ed) “Extraterritoriality of EU Economic Law” (Springer, 2021)(access)
  • Herrera Anchustegui, I. (2021). Distributive justice, community benefits and renewable energy: the case of offshore wind projects. In Fleming, Ruven, Huhta, Kaisa, Reins & Leonie (eds.). Sustainable Energy Democracy and the Law (Brill Publishers, 2021)  
  • Midjiyawa, Z., Cheynet, E., Reuder, J., Ágústsson & Kvamsdal, T. (2021). Potential and challenges of wind measurements using met-masts in complex terrain for bridge design: Part I – Integral flow characteristics. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 211, 104584. (access
  • Midjiyawa, Z., Cheynet, E., Reuder, J., Ágústsson & Kvamsdal, T. (2021). Potential and challenges of wind measurements using met-masts in complex terrain for bridge design: Part II- Spectral flow characteristics. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 211, 104585. (access)  
  • Ning, X., Krutova, M. & Paskyabi, M., P. (2021). Analysis of offshore wind spectra and coherence under neutral stability condition using the two LES models PALM and SOWFA. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
  • Nybø, A. Nielsen, F.G. & Godvik, M. (2021). Analysis of turbulence models fitted to site, and their impact on the response of a bottom-fixed wind turbine. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, 012028. (access)
  • Nybø, A., Nielsen F.G. & Godvik, M. (2021) Quasi-static response of a bottom-fixed wind turbine subject to various incident wind fields. Wind Energy (access)
  • Solbrekke, I.M., Sorteberg, A. & Haakenstad, H. (2021). The 3 km Norwegian reanalysis (NORA 3) - a validation of offshoe wind resources in the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea. Wind Energy Science, 6, 1501-1519. (access)


  • Bartl, J., Hansen, T.H., Kuhn, W.L., Mühle, F., & Sætran, L. (2020) Vortex interaction in the wake of a two- and three-bladed wind turbine. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1669, 012027. (access)
  • Cheynet, E., Daniotti, N., Jakobsen, J. B., & Snæbjörnsson, J. (2020). Improved long‐span bridge modeling using data‐driven identification of vehicle‐induced vibrations. Structural Control Health Monitoring, 27 (9). (access)
  • Cheynet, E., Liu, S., Ong, M. C., Jakobsen, J. B., & Snæbjörnsson, J. (2020). The influence of terrain on the mean wind flow characteristics in a fjord. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 205, 10433. (access)
  • Christiakos, K., Furevik, B. R., Aarnes, O.J., Breivik, Ø., Tuomi, L. & Byrkjedal, Ø. (2020). The importance of wind forcing in fjord wave modelling. Ocean Dynamics , 70, 57-75 (access)
  • Christakos, K., Varlas, G., Cheliotis, I., Spyrou, C., Aarnes, O. J., & Furevik, B., R. (2020). Characterization of Wind-Sea-and Swell-Induced Wave Energy along the Norwegian Coast. Atmosphere, 11 (2), 166. (access)
  • Colombo, E. (2020). “Det norske paradokset” I Klimasøksmål Arktis: ein rettsleg analyse av økonomiske vurderingar. Retfærd, 2, 47-70. (access
  • Duscha, C., Paskyabi, M. B., & Reuder, J. (2020). Statistic and Coherence Response of Ship-based Lidar Observations to Motion Compensation. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1669, 012020. (access)
  • High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy report: What Role for Ocean-Based Renewable Energy and Deep-Seabed Minerals in a Sustainable Future? Co-authored by BOW director Finn Gunnar Nielsen.
  • Furevik, B. R., Ágústsson, H., Lauen Borg, A., Zakari, M., Nyhammer, F. & Gausen, M. (2020). Meterological observations in tall masts for mapping of atmospheric flow in Norwegian fjords. Earth System Science Data, 12, 3621-3640 (access)
  • Haugan, P.M., L.A. Levin, D. Amon, M. Hemer, H. Lily and F.G. Nielsen. 2020. What Role for Ocean-Based Renewable Energy and Deep Seabed Minerals in a Sustainable Future? Washington, DC: World Resources Institute.
  • Herrera Anchustegui, I. (2020). Is Hywind Tampen’s State Aid Approval a Kickstart for the Norwegian Offshore Wind Industry? Decision 017/20/COL Hywind Tampen, EFTA Surveillance Authority. European State Aid Law Quarterly, 19 (2)225-231.(access)
  • Herrera Anchustegui, I. & Østrem, K. (2020, February). The Norwegian Offshore Wind Paradox: Energy sea production compliant with EEA law?. EFTA-Studies.org (access)
  • Klein, A., & Haugland, D. (2020). Optimization of reliable cyclic cable layouts in offshore wind farms. Engineering optimization, 53 (2).(access)
  • Konow, B. (2020). Nordic Perspectives on Contract and Property Law with an Environmental Perspective: Examples from Norway. In Demeyere, S. & Sagaert, V. (Eds.) Contract and Property with an Environmental Perspective (pp 267-286). Intersentia 
  • Krutova, M., Paskyabi, M.B., Nielsen, F.G., & Reuder, J. (2020). Evaluation of Gaussian wake models under different atmospheric stability conditions: Comparison with large eddy simulation results.  Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1669, 012016.  (access)
  • Mühle, F, Bartl, J, Hansen, T, Adaramola, MS, Sætran, L. An experimental study on the effects of winglets on the tip vortex interaction in the near wake of a model wind turbine. Wind Energy. 2020; 1– 15.(access)
  • Myrtvedt, M. H., Nybø, A., & Nielsen, F. G. (2020). The dynamic response of offshore wind turbines and their sensitivity to wind field models. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1669, 012013. (access)
  • Nybø, A., Nielsen, F., G., Reuder, J., Churchfield, M. J., & Godvik, M. (2020). Evaluation of different wind fields for the investigation of the dynamic response of offshore wind turbines. Wind energy, 23(9),1810-183 (access)
  • Paskyabi, M. B. (2020). A wavelet-entropy based segmentation of turbulence measurements from a moored shear probe near the wavy sea surface. SN Applied Sciences, 2, 102. (access)
  • Paskyabi, M. B. (2020). Ocean surface hidden structures in the Lofoten area of the Norwegian Sea. Dynamics of atmospheres and oceans, 92, 101173.  (access)
  • Paskyabi, M.B., Krutova, M., Nielsen, F.G., Reuder, J., & El Guernaoui, O. (2020). On Stochastic Reduced-Order and LES-based Models of Offshore Wind Turbine Wakes.  Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1669, 012018.  (access)
  • Paskyabi, M. B. (2020). Predictive Analysis of Machine Learning Schemes in Forecasting of Offshore Wind. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1669, 012017.(access)
  • Raj, R., Halo, I., Chatterjee, S., Belonenko, T., Paskyabi M. B., et al. , Interaction between mesoscale eddies and the gyre circulation in the Lofoten Basin, J. Geophys. Res., 2020. (access)
  • Ringkjøb, H. K., Haugan, P. M. & Nybø, A. (2020). Transitioning remote Arctic settelements to renewable energy systems – A modelling study of Longyearbyen, Svalbard. Applied Energy. 258, 1-13 (access)
  • Solbrekke, I. M., Kvamstø, N.G, & Sorteberg, A. (2020). Mitigation of offshore wind power intermittency by interconnection of production sites. Wind Energy Science, 5, 1663-167 (access
  • Hunter,T., Herrera Anchustegui, I., Crossley, P. & Alvarez, Gloria M. (2020). Routledge Handbook of Energy Law. Abingdon: Routledge


  • Nybø, A., Nielsen, F. G. & Reuder, J. (2019). Processing of sonic anemometer measurements for offshore wind turbine applications. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1356. 012006. 10.1088/1742-6596/1356/1/012006. (access)
  • High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy report: The Ocean as a Solution for Climate Change: 5 Opportunities for Action (Chapter on renewable energy co-authored by Finn Gunnar Nielsen and Peter Haugan)
  • Flügge, M., Paskyabi, M.B., Reuder, J. & El Guernaoui, O (2019) Wind stress in the coastal zone: Observations from a buoy in Southwestern Norway. Atmosphere, 10(9), 491; DOI:10.3390/atmos10090491 (access)
  • Wagner, D.G., Steinfeld, B. Witha, Wurps, H., & Reuder, J. (2019) Low Level Jets over the Southern North Sea. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, Online first, DOI:10.1127/metz/2019/0948 (access)
  • Schütz, S. E. & Slater, A. (2019). From strategic marine planning to project licences – Striking a balance between predictability and adaptability in the management of aquaculture and offshore wind farms. Marine Policy p. 1-11UiB  (access)