A workshop focussed on wave breaking in oceanic and coastal waters
June 13 - 17, 2016, University of Bergen, Norway
The workshop will take place in "Pi i fjerde" on the fourth floor of Realfagbygget
A number of keynote and invited lectures will review the state of the art in our understanding of wave breaking. The main goal is to incite discussions about the limitations of the available techniques for the modeling of wave breaking, and to identify possible avenues leading to a better description of this challenging physical phenomenon.
Keynote lectures by:
Michael Banner, University of New South Wales
Oliver Fringer, Stanford University, USA
James Kirby, University of Delaware
Philip Liu, Cornell University

The B'Waves 2016 workshop is supported by
- Center for Numerical Certification and Reliability, University of Bordeaux
- The Research Council of Norway
- INRIA Reseach Center
- Excellence Initiative, University of Bordeaux
- Research and Innovations Program of the Government of France