ENUMATH 2017 Conference


Main content

Plenary, minisymposium and contributed sessions speakers are invited to submit a short paper for publication to the ENUMATH 2017 Proceedings Volume to be published by Springer as in the previous years (see ENUMATH 2013 Proceedings, ENUMATH 2015 Proceedings).

Useful information:

  • The papers will undergo a peer-review process.
  • Each participant is allowed to submit one paper with a maximal number of 8 pages for a minisymposia or contributed talk and a maximal number of 15 pages for a plenary talk.
  • In order to submit a paper you need to register in the system (see link below).
  • NEW(!) deadline for submission: December 15, 2017

Modifiations of the template:

  • IMPORTANT: Please read the README file provided with the template.
  • You are allowed to add standard LaTex packages.
  • Do not change the layout.
  • Do not define any new commands / macros.

For the template click here.

For the submission system click here.