
GenderAct - A Project for Cultural Change and Gender Balance

Main content

Picture of UN sustainability goals

Local Balance Work 

Read our handbook for inspiration here!

Statistics (appendix handbook)

Through the participation project GenderAct the faculty aims to inspire and facilitate local gender-balance efforts at the institute-level. We also want to assist our leaders in facilitating evidence-based cultural change. Enhancing equality in the context of a well-functioning research organization provides material benefits. It bestows greater legitimacy and contributes to increased innovation capacity, value creation and competitiveness. 

Here you will find E-learning course about gender balance and unconscious bias for use in the process of recruiting new employees.

The Research Council's grant for the project expired 31.12.22, but the faculty will continue the work with GenderAct.

Fakultetsstyret for Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet. Fra venstre: Brigt Håvardstun, Katja Enberg, Eivind Valen, Jessica Tengvall, Anne Gine Hestetun, Solveig Osjord, Lill Kristin Knudsen, Gunn Mangerud (dekan), Jo Døhl. Ikke til stede: Elin Da

Action plan for balance work approved by the Faculty board

The new Faculty board of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has voted to approve the new Gender Balance, Gender Equality and Diversity measure plan for 2021-2023.


What do the rector teams think about gender balance and gender equality?

Here is the recording of the debate on March 8, between the two teams that are running for this year's election of the rectorate at University of Bergen.

Gender Balance
Kjønnsbalansen på Det matematisk-naturvitskaplege fakultet skal verta betre enn den er i dag. GenderAct vert ein viktig verktøyskasse. Foto: Colourbox.com

Starting project to improve gender balance

Kun to av ti av dei fast vitskaplege tilsette på MN-fakultetet er kvinner. No lanserer fakultetet prosjektet GenderAct med tiltak for å endre på problemet.