
Neuro-SysMed Junior Scientist Symposium

Welcome to NEUROSYSM910, the Neuro-SysMed Junior Scientist Symposia!

Junior Scientist Symposium logo and a futuristic illustration of a brain.

Main content

Explore new frontiers with the young Neuro-SysMed researchers in this excellent arena to obtain valuable skills in presentation techniques, engage in scientific discussions and take advantage of peer reviews and comments. Learn about current research within MS, Parkinson’s disease, dementia and ALS! Lunch is included.

This time, we will learn about the challenges and opportunities of disease modelling, explained by Katrin Kleinmanns; Christopher Kvistad will discuss whether mesenchymal stem cells can promote regeneration in multiple sclerosis, per results in the SMART-MS study; Katarina Lundervold will show the link between Parkinson’s disease and the gut; Magne Solheim will explain how he is studying ALS using health registries; Brit Ellen Rød will tell us about B-cell depletion therapy in multiple sclerosis; and Haakon Berven will talk about NAD clinical studies in Parkinson’s disease.

Place: Auditorium 4, BB-building (campus Haukeland University Hospital)

Time: Friday April 28, 2023 at 09.00-13.00

Registration link: is available here. Deadline is April 24 at 11.00 AM (later if you don't want to join the lunch).

Program: is available here

Lecture language: English

Chairs: Ida Herdlevær and Sepideh Mostafavi

Open to all, also senior scientists, just remember to register.