Learn about the technologies behind ChatGPT and personalised medicine
All students and staff at UiB are offered the opportunity to take individual courses in digital understanding, knowledge, and competence (DIGI). UiB started the initiative in the autumn 2022, and the courses on language technology and medical data science are new this year.

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- We are very proud to offer a total of eight individual courses that address different aspects of digital understanding, knowledge, and competence. Digitalization is changing the disciplines, with new methods, tools, issues, and topics. Technology is changing professional practice across industries, and the labor market needs graduates with good digital insight regardless of sector and industry. The unique thing about UiB is that all students, regardless of their study program, can take these courses," says Pro-Rector Pinar Heggernes.
UiB is the only university in Norway with such an offer for all students, which is rare even in a European context. Each individual course provides 2.5 credits (ECTS) and requires no prior knowledge. Teaching takes place in the afternoon and evening so that it does not clash with other teaching.
Medical data science and the technology behind ChatGPT
Since autumn 2022, several thousand students at UiB have taken advantage of the opportunity to build digital understanding, knowledge, and competence through the DIGI course package. In autumn 2023, UiB will add two new medical data science and language technology courses. At the same time, the package will also be opened to UiB employees.
The course DIGI116 Medical Data Science will give students with different backgrounds and interests a basis for understanding how data science and artificial intelligence provide completely new opportunities to monitor health status and detect and treat diseases. Smartwatches and other sensors collect information that provides opportunities for better health monitoring and challenges in privacy. The course provides insight into these opportunities and challenges, towards holistic and digital health care throughout the human lifespan - from cradle to grave.
What linguistic problems can we leave to a computer? These are among the questions explored in the course DIGI117 Language Technology. The course provides an overview of modern language technology, including the technology behind ChatGPT. If you want to understand what a computer is capable of doing in terms of automatic analyses, how to understand modern artificial intelligent systems that "speak" Norwegian, and how computers process natural language, this is the course for you!
- With these new courses, we complement the offer to UiB students, and we can provide a wide variety of different courses that address digital insight. This knowledge is equally important whether you study biology, history, law or one of the 185 other study programs at UiB, and supplements the subject knowledge you gain through your studies," says Heggernes.