UiB joins the university alliance CHARM-EU
Eight European universities have formed the CHARM-EU alliance. In January 2023, it became clear that UiB will enter as the ninth and final partner.

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The CHARM-European University collaboration is based on a number of common ambitions. The cooperation in the alliance is based on ideas about academic freedom, inclusive leadership, sustainability, and diversity.
The aim is to develop outstanding higher education and research in Europe, a common European identity and strengthen the role of universities in society.
The alliance was established in 2019 as part of a new initiative from the EU and has received funding from Erasmus+. In addition to UiB, eight universities are part of the alliance: University of Barcelona, Trinity College Dublin, Utrecht University, Eötvös Loránd University, University of Montpellier, Åbo Akademi University, Julius-Maximilians-Universität of Würzburg and Hochschule Ruhr West.
Rector: - New doors are opened
- This is a forward-looking way of thinking about university collaboration. As a research-intensive and internationally oriented university, UiB has a lot to add to the alliance. And as a partner in CHARM-EU, several new doors are opened for our students and colleagues, says Margareth Hagen.