Ocean Science Bar: Politics, sandeel and mackerel in the North Sea
How do sandeel stocks respond to fisheries policy and increasing activity in the North Sea? And how did Brexit influence the mackerel fisheries intensity and harvesting strategy - what was the consequences for the mackerel stock and the carbon footprint of the fisheries?

Main content
About the event (held in english)
Human decisions and policy can have far-reaching and surprising effects on the environment, ecosystems and fish stocks. Here, two fisheries scientists present examples of how fish stocks and the environment can be affected by political decisions.
Sandeel is important food for seabirds and larger fishes in the North Sea, and it is heavily dependent on specific sandy habitats to hide in for long periods of the year.
How do sandeel stocks respond to fisheries policy and increasing activity in the North Sea? And how did Brexit influence the mackerel fisheries intensity and harvesting strategy - what was the consequences for the mackerel stock and the carbon footprint of the fisheries?
- Kim Scherrer, postdoctoral fellow at The University of Bergen: Brexit accidentally doubled the carbon footprint of Norway’s mackerel fishing fleet
- Espen Johnsen, senior researcher at Institute of Marine Research (Havforskningsinstituttet): Is it space for the ecosystem key-species sandeel in an industrialized North Sea?
Where and when
At Statsraaden Bar & Reception (Bradbenken 2), Wednesday 17th of April, 19:00-20:00
The talks will be in English. Everybody welcome - free entrance!