UiB events during One Ocean Week 2024
For the second time, One Ocean Week will be held in mid-April – a week filled with exciting and entertaining events about sustainable oceans in Bergen. Here you will find an overview of UiB's events during the ocean week. All events are free and open to everyone, except where indicated

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The University of Bergen is heavily involved in various activities during the annual One Ocean Week, which takes place from 13 to 19 April 2024.
UiB hosts world-leading research environments in ocean science, and many of our experts are involved in various activities throughout the week. The University of Bergen also organizes several major events both on campus and at smaller venues in downtown Bergen. Here we present an overview of our events, as well as events where researchers, lecturers, and students from UiB are participants. The list is continually updated.
- Find the full One Ocean Week 2024 programme here.
All events are free and open to all interested. We look forward to meeting as many of you as possible!
Saturday 13 April
- 12:00-13:00: Welcome home, Statsraad Lehmkuhl! Tall ship Statsraad Lehmkuhl returns from Bergen Shipping Voyage to be greeted by thousands upon return to Bradbenken.
- 12:00-12:45: UiB/OceanX Expedition: Discovering the Hidden Wonders of Norway's Deep Seas, at Skolten, Bergen
- 12:00-16:00: Stand “What does the sea mean to you?” at Festningskaien 1. This is part of Maritime Saturday at Festningskaien.
Sunday 14 April
- 10:00-16:00: Family Day at Festningskaien with contributions from UiB and the other One Ocean Week partners.
- 12:00-16:00: “Møt marinbiologer fra Universitetsmuseet” at Festningskaien 1. Part of the Family Day.
- 12:00-16:00: “Are animals without ears impacted by underwater noise pollution?” at Festningskaien 1. Part of the Family Day.
- 18:00-20:00: “Outgrow the system - documentary screening”. Documentary film screening at Egget at Studentsenteret, Parkveien 1.
Monday 15 April
- 10:00-15:00: One Ocean Summit in Håkonshallen.
- 19:00-20:30: “Ocean Science Bar: What’s brewing up North? Pint of Science explores the Arctic” at Statsraaden Bar & Reception.
- 19:00-21:00: “What kind of ocean do we want?” at Skoltegrunnskaien 1, 5035 Bergen.
Tuesday 16 April
- 08:30-11:00: NorEMSO: Advancing Marine Observations in the Nordic Seas, at UiB Learning Arena, Nygårdsgaten 5 (NG5)
- 10:00-15:30: One Ocean Conference in Grieghallen, including contributions from UiB researchers and student entrepreneurs.
- 14:00-14:30: “Who eats whom? Marine worms with jaws – delicious and dangerous!” at the Natural History Museum at the University Museum of Bergen (use the main entrance of the museum)
- 19:00-20:00: “Ocean Science Bar: Food has become complicated – what can and should we eat?” at Statsraaden Bar & Reception. NOTE! The event is held in Norwegian.
Wednesday 17 April
- 08:30-13:00: “Havbunnsmineraler - Kunnskapsbehov” at VilVite Auditoriet, Thormøhlensgate 51. Organised by GCE Ocean Technology with contributions from UiB's Centre for Deep Sea Research.
- 10:00-16:00: “The North Sea – past, present and future”. Full day conference at Nygårdsgaten 5 (NG5).
- 14:00-14:30: “Jellyfish in Norway – mostly harmless or murderous monsters” at the Natural History Museum at the University Museum of Bergen (use the main entrance of the museum)
- 19:00-20:00: “Ocean Science Bar: Politics, sandeel and mackerel in the North Sea” at Statsraaden Bar & Reception.
Thursday 18 April
- 09:00-16:00: “Ocean Outlook 2024”. Scientific conference at Nygårdsgaten 5 (NG5).
- 14:00-15:00: “Sharks of Norway” at the Natural History Museum at the University Museum of Bergen (use the main entrance of the museum)
- 18:00-19:30: “Indigenous perspectives of climate change with young voices from the Arctic” at Litteraturhuset i Bergen (House of Literature in Bergen).
- 19:00-20:00: “Ocean Science Bar: Could the ocean be the key to pandemic preparedness?”, at Statsraaden Bar & Reception.
Friday 19 April
- 09:00-16:00: “Ocean Outlook 2024”. Scientific conference at Nygårdsgaten 5 (NG5).
- 14:00-14:30: “Elusive biodiversity: a journey through the less known but most exquisite groups of marine animals” at the Natural History Museum at the University Museum of Bergen (use the main entrance of the museum)