Pandemic Centre

Pandemic Centre

Through research, teaching and dissemination, the Pandemic Centre shall provide innovative knowledge that enables society to cope with pandemics in the best possible way.

News | Teaching
PhD Students

Join the Interdisciplinary PhD Course at the Pandemic Centre!

In October, the Pandemic Centre is offering an interdisciplinary course for students on preparedness for health crises. The course is primarily aimed at PhD candidates and master's students and will address a range of exciting issues in collaboration with some of the leading experts at UiB.

Climate and health event Pandemic Centre

Climate and health on the agenda

In order to coordinate efforts around research in climate and health, the Bjerknes Centre and the Pandemic Centre organized the Climate and Health Initiative on June 14th. Held at Alrek, the session brought together experts and community members to discuss the critical links between climate change...

Pandemisenteret årsrapport 2023

Pandemic Centre's annual report for 2023

2023 was another exciting and fruitful year for the Pandemic Centre. Now you can read the annual report with a summary of our activities throughout last year.

News | Research
illustrasjonsbilde av unge folk som holder avstand under koronapandemien

Use of cultural specific terms in times of crises can cause greater health inequalities

During the coronavirus pandemic, Norwegian health authorities used the term "dugnad" to encourage collective infection control measures. New research indicates that the use of such culturally specific terms can be problematic for immigrant groups.