Research group for civil procedure
Selected publications

Selected publications

The research group for Civil Procedure at the Faculty of Law is active and engaged in publishing and disseminating research findings. This page presents a list of the most recent English-language publications of the research group members. Comprehensive lists of publications are found on the webpage of each member of the research group.

Main content

Selected publications from key members of the group.

Camilla Bernt

Bernt, Camilla, Custody Mediation in Norwegian Courts. A Conglomeration of Roles and Processes. I: Nordic Mediation Research. Springer 2018 ISBN 978-3-319-73018-9. s. 105-132 

Anna Nylund

Nylund, Anna, ‘Civil Procedure and the Rule of Law in Scandinavia.’ Scandinavian Studies in Law vol. 69 (2023), p. 121-144. 

Nylund, Anna, ‘Oral Proceedings During the Preparatory Stage.’ International Journal of Procedural Law vol 12(1) (2022), p. 57-74. 

Nylund, Anna, ’Alternative Dispute Resolution, Justice and Accountability in Norwegian Civil Justice.’ In J. Hoevenaars, B. Kas, X. Kramer & E. Themeli (eds.), Frontier in Civil Justice: Privatisation, Monetisation and Digitisation. Edward Elgar publishing 2022, p. 81-100. 

Nylund, Anna, ‘Norway.’ In Wendy Schrama, Marilyn Freeman, Nicola Taylor & Marielle Bruning (eds), International Handbook on Child Participation in Family Law. Intersentia 2021, p. 259-272. 

Ervo, Laura, Letto-Vanamo, Pia-Letto & Nylund, Anna (eds), Rethinking Nordic Courts, Springer 2021, open access. 

Krans, Bart & Nylund, Anna (eds), Civil Courts Coping with Covid-19, Eleven 2021, open access. 

Krans, Bart & Nylund, Anna (eds), Procedural Autonomy Across Europe, Intersentia 2020. 

Nylund, Anna, Civil Procedure Norway, 2nd edition, International Encyclopedia of Laws, Kluwer 2020. MF

Halvard Haukeland Fredriksen

Halvard Haukeland Fredriksen og Magne Strandberg, «Impact of the ELI/UNIDROIT European Model Rules for Civil Procedure on National Law – the Case of Norway”, Oslo Law Review 2023 p. 152–164.  

Fredriksen, Halvard Haukeland; Strandberg, Magne, Norwegian Civil Procedure Under the Influence of EU Law. I: Transformation of Civil Justice - Unity and Diversity. Springer 2018 ISBN 978-3-319-97357-9. p. 41-62 

Fredriksen, Halvard Haukeland; Strandberg, Magne. Is E-justice Reform of Norwegian Civil Procedure Finally Happening?. Oslo Law Review 2016 ;Volum 1.(1) p. 72-88 

Magne Strandberg

Halvard Haukeland Fredriksen og Magne Strandberg, «Impact of the ELI/UNIDROIT European Model Rules for Civil Procedure on National Law – the Case of Norway”, Oslo Law Review 2023 p. 152–164. 

Magne Strandberg, “Immediacy, Orality, and Appellate Proceedings”, International Journal of Procedural Law 2022 p. 75-87 

Nylund, Anna; Strandberg, Magne. Civil Procedure and Harmonisation of Law. Intersentia 2019 (ISBN 9781780686936) 

Strandberg, Magne. Standards of Evidence in Scandinavia. I: Standard of Proof In Europe. Mohr Siebeck 2019 ISBN 978-3-16-157020-9. p. 135-160 

Strandberg, Magne. The-More-Probable-Than-Not-Standard: A Critical Approach. I: Standard of Proof In Europe. Mohr Siebeck 2019 ISBN 978-3-16-157020-9. p. 65-94 

Ørnulf Øyen

Ørnulf Øyen, «Hva er ‘nødvendige’ sakskostnader etter tvisteloven § 20-5 (1)?» i LoR nr.7 2020 (s. 431-446)

Hva utgjør det prosessuelle "kravet" i kontraktsrettslige tvister? - noen tanker om Høyesteretts avgjørelse i sak HR-2018-1130-A. Lov og rett 2018Volum: 57, Hefte: 8, Sider: 493 - 503.

Ørnulf Øyen, «Forholdet mellom partsevne og rettsevne – særlig om forholdet mellom partsevne etter tvisteloven § 2-1 (2) og rettsevne», Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap 2015 side 91 til 111.

Ørnulf Øyen, «Prosessuell preklusjon i sivilprosessen», Jussens Venner 2014 side 187 til 221.

Volker Lipp

Volker Lipp, Prozessfähigkeit und Menschenrechte – Zur Diskussion um § 53 ZPO / Procedural Capacity and Human Rightsin: Christoph Althammer, Christoph Schärtl (Hrsg.), Festschrift für Herbert Roth zum 70. Geburtstag, Tübingen (2021) 

Volker Lipp, Maintenance and Multi-Level Harmonisation – A European Union Perspectivein: Anna Nylund, Magne Strandberg (Eds.), Civil Procedure and Harmonisation of Law, Cambridge (UK) 2019, p. 193 – 207. 

Anneken Kari Sperr

Sperr, Anneken Kari, Regulation of Dispute Resolution in Norway. Vertical and Horizontal Regulatory Strategies, in: Regulating Dispute Resolution - ADR and Access to Justice at the Crossroads, Felix Steffek und Hannes Unberath (eds), i samarbeid med Hazel Genn, Reinhard Gregerund Carrie Menkel-Meadow, Hart Publishing (Oxford - Portland Oregon) 2013, p. 329 – 361 (33 sider).