Research group for Infection and Microbiology

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The Streptococcal Interest Group (SIG) gathers expertise in infections caused primarily by Streptococcus pyogenes and S. dysgalactiae, as well as a range of non-purulent skin and soft tissue infections. We study epidemiology, characterize disease, microbial aspects and explore effects of established and novel treatment modalities in cellulitis and lethal necrotizing soft tissue infections.

SIG in media

Knut Anders Mosevoll 2023 Podcast TDNLF Kan det være sepsis?

Oddvar Oppegaard 2023 CDC Podcast Topics: EID Journal (Emerging Infectious Diseases), Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal (EID), Group A Strep Infection, Group B Strep Infection, Podcasts
Published: 3/3/2023 Last Updated: 3/6/2023 This podcast belongs to the Emerging Infectious Diseases series. 

Trond Bruun og Steinar Skrede. 2021.  Kontaktreduserende tiltak er en trygg og nødvendig bro til vårens vaksinasjon.  Debatt.  Bergens Tidende 11.03.2021

Steinar Skrede, Sverre Lehmann, Knut Anders Mosevoll og Kristel Knudsen. 2022. Satsning på overvåkingsmedisin gjør oss bedre rustet.  Kronikk.  Dagens medisin 07.01.2022

Sverre Lehmann, Steinar Skrede, Kristel Knudsen, Knut A. Mosevoll, Stina Jordal, Dagfinn Markussen. Hva skjer med meg hvis jeg legges inn med covid-19 på Haukeland? Kronikk.  Bergens tidende 21.01.2022