Norwegian molecular imaging consortium

Meetings and courses

Imaging related meetings and courses arranged by the NorMIC nodes. If registration is available the name appear as a link.

Main content

Meetings: Time and place:
4th NorMIC meeting 20.-21.10.2011, Tromsø
3rd NorMIC meeting 07.-08.06.2010, Oslo
2nd NorMIC meeting 12.-13.11.2009, Stavanger
1st NorMIC meeting 11.-12.11.2008, Trondheim
Courses: Time and place:
Confocal courses Annually in Bergen
Image processing course 22.-25.02.2011, Bergen
Confocal course Sept. 2010, Bergen

Practical user course in connection

with the 3rd NorMIC meeting

08.-09.06.2010, Oslo