Porous Media Group

PMG at CMWR2024

PMG is participating at the conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources 2024 (CMWR).

PMG at CMWR2024 with Bu Guo and Michele Starnoni.
Micheal Babatunde Oguntola

Main content

Several members of the porous media group will attend the conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources from September 30th to October 3rd. Inga Berre is co-organizing a session with Avinoam Rabinovich and Birendra Jha on Computational modeling of subsurface processes for climate mitigation and energy transition. Jakub Both is also co-organizing a session with Nicola Castelletto, Jiamin Jiang, and Rainer Helmig on Model coupling, domain decomposition, and solvers for multiphysics problems. Micheal Oguntola will give a talk on "Multiphase geothermal reservoir simulation based on a unified-compositional formulation," and Ivar Stefansson will talk about "A simple and efficient line search for nonlinear and semi-smooth multiphysics problems." Additionally Inga Berre is giving a talk on "Viscous Fingering in Fractured Porous Media" and Jakub Both a talk on "A consistent NCP formulation of frictional contact with applications to poromechanics in fractured porous media."