
Porous Media Group

Main content

Fracture flow

The Porous Media Group educates students and researchers in the fundamental challenges associated with solving the equations that describe flow and transport in and deformation of porous media. These include the development of rigorous mathematical foundations for the empirical physical laws of fluid motion in porous media, numerical methods for solving the partial differential equations that arise, and characterisation of reservoir properties via inverse modelling based on the observed production history of a reservoir. Associated applications include e.g. geothermal energy, subsurface energy and CO2 storage, flow in biological tissues, and hydrocarbon production.

Decision plot for a linear solver

Automated linear solver selection for simulation of multiphysics processes in porous media

This paper describes a machine learning-based approach to tuning the linear solvers and their parameters during the simulation.


Letter from the European Geothermal PhD Days

Our new Ph.D. student Isak Hammer went to visit TU Delft for the European geothermal PhD days 2024.

Picture of prof. Nordbotten

Jan Martin Nordbotten invited speaker at InterPore 2024

Jan Martin Nordbotten will give an invited talk at InterPore 2024 about validating computational models for carbon storage. The main theme of InterPore 2024 will be porous media and biology.

gigaCCS logo

PMG is a partner of the new FME gigaCCS

The Research Council of Norway recently announced a significant investment in a new research center on carbon capture, transport, and storage (CCS) in Norway, of which the porous media group is a proud partner. gigaCCS is a Centre for Environment-Friendly Energy Research (FME) that will develop...

fingering plot in fractured porous media

Numerical Simulations of Viscous Fingering in Fractured Porous Media

This paper study the impact of fractures on the unstable displacement of viscous fingers. Particular focus is given the transition from a regime where the flow is dominated by the viscous instabilities, to a regime where the heterogeneity induced by the fractures define the flow paths.