The Cross-National Project on Positive Youth Development (CN-PYD)

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IP: Diego Gomez-Baya
Assistant Professor
Department of Social, Developmental and Educational Psychology
University of Huelva, Spain

E-mail: diego.gomez@dpee.uhu.es

Short bio. PhD in Psychology and Official Master's Degree in Health and Quality of Life, from the University of Huelva (UHU). Degree in Psychology, with Extraordinary End-of-Degree Award and Archimedes Award for Scientific Research (Spanish Ministry of Education). He obtained a grant for Lecturer Training by Spanish Ministry of Education to develop the doctoral thesis entitled "Predictors of life satisfaction and depressive symptoms in adolescence", directed by Professors Ramón Mendoza and Susana Paíno. He was member of the research team of Ministry's R&D project on "Selective attention biases in depression and paranoia", directed by Professor Carmelo Vázquez, at the Computense University of Madrid. Subsequently, at Loyola Andalucia University, he was a member of the project “Socioeconomic determinants of health in Andalusia: A comparative study of the impact of the economic crisis on the health of Andalusians” funded by the Center for Andalusian Studies, the Erasmus KA2 project “Teaching Partnership Addressed to Refugees's Istances Strenghtening”, and Erasmus KA3 “Learning to Be: Development of Practices and Methodologies for Assessing Social, Emotional and Health Skills within Education Systems”.

Currently, he works as Assistant Professor at UHU, and is part of the research teams of the Ministry's R&D project “Social interactions and dialogues that transform memories and promote emotional-sexual relations free of violence from secondary education centers”, and the project “Socio-economic status and cognitive development in childhood and adolescence: Innovative assessment tools for vulnerable populations. The case of Guatemala” financed by the Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation. Moreover, he leads in Spain the international study "Positive youth development in a cross-national perspective", coordinated by Professor Nora Wiium, from the University of Bergen (Norway). His research interests are the promotion of psychological well-being and healthy lifestyles in adolescence and youth, as well as the study of gender differences in risk and protective factors, from a developmental and educational perspective. In this line, he has completed research stays with the groups of Professor Margarida Gaspar de Matos at the University of Lisbon (Portugal) and Professor Jane E. Gillham at Swarthmore College (USA). His research results have been presented in numerous international and national congresses, as well as scientific publications in indexed journals, which can be consulted at https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Diego_Gomez-Baya. ORCID: 0000-0003-4651-0439

Main collaborator: Prof. Ramon Mendoza Berjano. Full Professor of Developmental Psychology, in the University of Huelva (Spain). His research experience has been focused in the promotion of healthy life-styles in adolescence and youth. Director in Spain, by invitation of WHO, of the study: “Health Behaviour among School-aged Children” (HBSC), from 1984 to 2000. This research has been carried out in Spain periodically with the support of the National Plan on Drugs, The Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs, the Ministry of Education and Science and other institutions. In addition, he has been member of the Coordinating Committee of this international study, which is currently being carried out in over 40 countries. In November of 1988 the World Health Organisation granted him the “Tobacco or health: choose health” award (medal), in commemoration of the first World No Tobacco Day (7 April 1988), for his achievements in this field. ORCID: 0000-0002-5868-4850