Publications in Social Insurance
Main content
- Vaage, Kjell: Er sjukefråværet (for) høgt i Noreg? (Is the Level of Sickness Absence (too) High in Norway?) Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 50(1), 2013, 62-63.
- Hagist, Christian; Raffelhüschen, Bernt; Risa, Alf Erling; Vårdal, Erling. Long-Term Fiscal Effects of Public Pension Reform in Norway - A Generational Accounting Analysis. Nordic Journal of Political Economy. Volum 38, pp. 1-23, 2013.
- Løken, Katrine Vellesen; Bharadwaj, Prashant; Nielson, Christopher. Early Life Health Interventions and Academic Achievement. The American Economic Review, (103), pp 1862-1891, 2013.
- Løken, Katrine Vellesen; Lommerud, Kjell Erik; Lundberg, Shelly J. Your place or mine? On the residence choice of young couples in Norway. Demography, 50(1), pp. 285-310, 2013.
- Lommerud, K. E. and Straume, O.R.: Employment Protection Versus Flexicurity: On Technology Adoption in Unionised Firms. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 114(1), (2012).
- Øivind Anti Nilsen, Kjell Vaage, Arild Aakvik, Karl Jacobsen "Intergenerational Earnings Mobility Revisited: Estimates Based on Lifetime Earnings." Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 114(1), pp 1-23, 2012.
- Katrine V. Løken, Magne Mogstad and Matthew Wiswall: What linear estimators miss: The effects of family income on child outcomes. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 4, 1-35, 2012.
- De Grip, A., Lindeboom, M. and Montizaan, R.: Shattered Dreams: The Effects of Changing the Pension System late in the Game. The Economic Journal, 122 (559), 1-25, 2012
- Mykletun, A, Evensen, M., Hagen, K, og Vaage, K.: Hvorfor øker kjønnsforskjellen i sykefravær mellom kvinner og menn? Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, Vol 49, nummer 6, 2012, s. 594-596. 2012.
- Espen Bratberg, Sturla Gjesdal and John G Mæland "Gender differences in disability after sickness absence with musculoskeletal disorders." BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 12 (37), 2011
- Løken, Katrine V.: Politikkimplikasjoner fra litteraturen om familieinntekt og effekter på barns utdanning, Søkelys på Arbeidslivet, 1/2011.
- Grasdal, A. and Monstad, K.: "Inequity in the use of physician services in Norway before and after introducing patient lists in primary care." International Journal for Equity in Health 2011, 10:25.
- von Gaudecker, H.M., Garcia-Gomez, P. and Lindeboom, M.: "Health, Disability and Work: Patterns for the Working Age Population," International Tax and Public Finance, 18(2), 146-65, 2011
- de Jong, Ph.. Lindeboom, M. and van der Klaauw, B.: "Screening Disability Insurance Applications," Journal of the European Economic Association, 9(1), 106-29, 2011.
- Espen Bratberg and Kjell G. Salvanes and Kjell Vaage: Has job stability decreased? Population data from a small open economy, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 112 (1), 163-183, 2010.
- Arild Aakvik, Tor Helge Holmås and M. Kamrul Islam: "Does variation in GP practice matter for the length of sickness absenteeism? A multilevel analysis based on Norwegian GP--patient data" Social Science and Medicine, 70, 1590-1598, 2010.
- Arild Aakvik and Kjell G. Salvanes and Kjell Vaage: Measuring heterogeneity in the returns to education using an education reform. European Economic Review, 54, pp 483-500, 2010.
- Katrine V. Løken: Family income and children’s education: Using the Norwegian oil boom as a natural experiment. Labour Economics, 17, 118-129, 2010.
- Ghazala Naz. Effect of a family policy reform on immigrants’ labour supply and earnings. Labour, 24, 74-92, 2010.
- Ottar Mæstad, Gaute Torsvik, Arild Aakvik "Overworked? The relationship between workload and health worker performance in rural Tanzania." Journal of Health Economics, 29, pp 686-698, 2010.
- Kai A. Konrad and Kjell Erik Lommerud "Love and taxes -- and matching institutions." Canadian Journal of Economics, 43 (3), 919-940, 2010.
- Kjell Erik Lommerud, Trond E. Olsen and Odd Rune Straume "Company Taxation and Merger Incentives in International Oligopoly: on International Policy Coordination with Strategic Trade." J Inc Compet Trade 10,161-186, 2010.
- Espen Bratberg, Sturla Gjesdal and John Gunnar Mæland: Sickness absence with psychiatric diagnoses: individual and contextual predictors of permanent disability, Health and Place, 15, 308-314, 2009.
- Espen Bratberg, Sturla Gjesdal and John Gunnar Mæland: Musculoskeletal impairments in the Norwegian working population: the prognostic role of diagnoses and socioeconomic status. A prospective study of sickness absence and transition to disability pension. Spine, 34(14), 2009, 1519-1525.
- Sigve Tjøtta and Kjell Vaage: "Public transfers and marital dissolution." Journal of Population Economics, 21, 419-437, 2008.
- Espen Bratberg and Sigve Tjøtta: "Income effects of divorce in families with dependent children." Journal of Population Economics, 21, 439-461, 2008.
- Benedicte Carlsen, Arild Aakvik, Ole F. Norheim: "Variations in practice: a questionnaire survey of how congruence in attitudes between doctors and patients influences referral decisions." Medical Decision Making, 28, 262-268, 2008.
- Espen Bratberg, Øivind Anti Nilsen, and Kjell Vaage: "Job losses and child outcomes." Labour Economics, 15, 591-603, 2008.
- Espen Bratberg, Øivind Anti Nilsen and Kjell Vaage: "Trends in intergenerational mobility across offspring's earnings distribution in Norway". Industrial Relations, 46, 112-129, 2007.
- Arild Aakvik, Svenn-Åge Dahl, and Kjell Vaage: Late careers and career exits in Norway; in H.-P. Blossfeld, S.Buchholz and D. Hofäcker (eds): Globalization, Uncertainty and Late Careers in Society, London: Routledge, 235-254, 2006.
- Skouen, J.S., Grasdal, A., and E.M.H. Haldorsen: Return to work after comparing outpatient multidisciplinary treatment programs versus treatment in general practice for patients with chronic widespread pain. European Journal of Pain, 2006, 10, 145-152.
- Aakvik, Arild and Svenn-Åge Dahl: Transitions to employment from labour market enterprises in Norway. International Journal of Social Welfare, 15, 121-130, 2006.
- Arild Aakvik and Tor Helge Holmås: Access to Primary Health Care and Health Outcomes: The Relationships between GP Characteristics and Mortality Rates. Journal of Health Economics, 25, 1139-1153, 2006.
- Espen Bratberg, Kjell G. Salvanes og Kjell Vaage: "Avtakande jobbstabilitet i Noreg?" I Heum, Nesheim, Nordhaug og Salvanes (red): Arbeidsliv i omstilling. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 2006, 19-34.
- Jarle Møen, Kjell G. Salvanes og Kjell Vaage: "Kva er konstandene ved omstilling?" I Heum, Nesheim, Nordhaug og Salvanes (red): Arbeidsliv i omstilling. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 2006, 125-145.
- Risa, Alf Erling: "Er sosial utjamning mulig i ein meritokratisk velferdsstat?" I Kildal og Elvebakken (red): Velferdspolitiske utfordringer. Risiko, prioriteringer og rettferdighet. Oslo: Abstrakt forlag 2006, s. 69-83.
- Carlsen, Benedicte and Arild Aakvik "Patient involvement in clinical decision-making: The effect of GP attitude on patient satisfaction." Health Expectations, 9, pp. 148-157, 2006.
- Espen Bratberg, Øivind Anti Nilsen, and Kjell Vaage: Intergenerational earnings mobility in Norway: Levels and trends, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 107(3), 419-435, 2005.
- Arild Aakvik, James J. Heckman, and Edward J. Vytlacil: Estimating treatment effects for discrete outcomes when responses to treatment vary: an application to Norwegian vocational rehabilitation programs, Journal of Econometrics, 125(1-2), 2005, 15-51.
- Arild Aakvik, Kjell Gunnar Salvanes, and Kjell Vaage: Educational Attainment and Family Background, German Economic Review, 6(3), 2005, 377-394.
- Badi H. Baltagi, Espen Bratberg, and Tor Helge Holmås: A panel data study of physicians' labor supply: The case of Norway. Health Economics, 14(10), 1035-1045, 2005.
- Jan Erik Askildsen, Espen Bratberg, and Øivind Anti Nilsen: Unemployment, labor force composition and sickness absence: A panel data study. Health Economics, 14(11), 1087-1101, 2005.
- Jan Erik Askildsen, Espen Bratberg og Øivind A. Nilsen: Svingninger i sykefraværet: Er arbeidsledigheten avgjørende? Søkelys på arbeidsmarkedet, 21(1), 2004, 3 - 12.
- Arild Aakvik, Svenn-Åge Dahl og Kjell Vaage: Hvem går av med tidligpensjon? Søkelys på arbeidsmarkedet, 21(1), 2004, 13 - 20.
- Ghazala Naz: The impact of cash-benefit reform on parents' labour force participation, Journal of Population Economics, 17(2), 2004, 369 - 383.
- Espen Bratberg, Tor Helge Holmås and Øystein Thøgersen: Assessing the effects of an early retirement program, Journal of Population Economics, 17(3), 2004, 387 - 408.
- Tor Helge Holmås: Lønnspolitikk i helsesektoren, et effektivt virkemiddel? SNF Bulletin, 3, 2004.
- Arild Aakvik: Velferdsstatens økonomi. Bokanmeldelse. Sosiologisk tidsskrift 2004; 12(1):103-108.
- Svenn-Åge Dahl, Øivind Anti Nilsen, and Kjell Vaage: "Gender differences in early retirement behaviour," European Sociological Review 19(2), 2003, 179-198.
- Arild Aakvik: Estimating the employment effects of education for disabled workers in Norway, Empirical Economics 28, 2003, 515-533.
- Sigve Tjøtta and Kjell Vaage: Union disruption in Norway, International Journal of Sociology 33(1), 2003, 40-63.
- Arild Aakvik, Tor Helge Holmås, and Egil Kjerstad: A low-key social insurance reform - effects of multidisciplinary outpatient treatment for back pain patients in Norway, Journal of Health Economics 22, 2003, 747-762.
- Sturla Gjesdal and Espen Bratberg: Diagnosis and duration of sickness absence as predictors for disability pension: Results from a three-year, multi-register based and prospective study, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 31(4), 2003, 246-254.
- Sjur Didrik Flåm and Alf Erling Risa: Ability, self-confidence and search, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 159, 2003, 439-456.
- Arild Aakvik and Egil Kjerstad: Skill formation among vocational rehabilitation clients - Public policy vs private incentives, Education Economics, 11(3), 2003, 219 - 237.
- Espen Bratberg, Astrid Grasdal and Alf Erling Risa: "Evaluating social policy by experimental and nonexperimental methods," Scandinavian Journal of Economics 104(1), 2002, 147-171.
- Espen Bratberg, Svenn-Åge Dahl and Alf Erling Risa: "'The double burden' Do combinations of career and family obligations increase sickness absence among women?" European Sociological Review 18(2), 2002, 233 249.
- Sturla Gjesdal and Espen Bratberg: "The role of gender in long-term sickness absence and transition to peremanent disability benefits: results from a multiregister based, prospective study in Norway 1990-1995," European Journal of Public Health 12(3), 2002, 180 186.
- Bernd Raffelhüschen: "Generational Accounting - Quo Vadis?" Nordic Journal of Political Economy 28, 2002, 75-89.
- Kai A. Konrad, Harald Künemund, Kjell Erik Lommerud, and Julio R. Robledo: "Geography of the Family," American Economic Review 92(4), 2002, 981-998.
- Steinar Vagstad: "On Private Incentives to Acquire Household Production Skills." Journal of Population Economics, 14(2), 2001, 301 312.
- Espen Bratberg, Astrid Grasdal and Alf Erling Risa: "Økonomisk evaluering av rehabiliteringstiltak." In J.E. Askildsen and K. Haug (ed): Helse, økonomi og politikk. Cappelen Akademisk forlag, 2001.
- Alf Erling Risa: "Teknologisk utvikling, informasjonstilgang og økonomisk organisering av helsesektoren." In J.E. Askildsen and K. Haug (eds): Helse, økonomi og politikk. Cappelen Akademisk forlag, 2001.
- Espen Bratberg, Kjell Erik Lommerud, Øivind Anti Nilsen and Alf Erling Risa: "Utdanning og etablering i arbeidsmarkedet." Søkelys på arbeidsmarkedet, 18(1), 2001, 3-8.
- Arild Aakvik: "Bounding a matching estimator: the case of a Norwegian training program." Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 63, 2001, 115-143.
- Alf Erling Risa: Review of Nanna Kildal, Den nye sociala frågan. Om arbete, inkomst og rättvisa, Göteborg, Daidalos. Reviewed in Tidsskrift for Velferdsforskning 4(4), 2001, 259 261.
- Kjell Vaage: "Eit inkluderande arbeidsliv tilstrekkeleg for å redusera talet på nye uførepensjonistar? Kommentar til Sandmanutvalets innstilling." Økonomisk forum, 55(1), 2001, 6-9.
- Espen Bratberg, Alf Erling Risa and Kjell Vaage: "Sosial utjevning og veksten i uføretrygden." Tidsskrift for velferdssforskning 4(3), 2001, 169 -182.
- Øivind Anti Nilsen, Alf Erling Risa and Alf Torstensen: "Transitions from Employment among Young Norwegian Workers." Journal of Population Economics, 13, 2000, 21-34.
- Kjell Vaage: "Detection of Outliers and Level Shifts in Time Series: An Evaluation of Two Alternative Procedures." Journal of Forecasting 19(1), 2000, 23-37.
- Svenn-Åge Dahl, Øivind Anti Nilsen and Kjell Vaage: "Work or Retirement? Exit Routes for Norwegian Elderly." Applied Economics 32(14), 2000, 1865-1876.
- Espen Bratberg and Øivind Anti Nilsen: "Transitions from School to Work and the Early Labour Market Experience." Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 62, 2000, 909-929.
- Jan Erik Askildsen, Espen Bratberg and Øivind Anti Nilsen: "Hva kan forklare det økte sykefraværet?" Magma, 3(5), 2000, 46-53.
- Kai A. Konrad and Kjell Erik Lommerud: "The Bargaining Family Revisited." Canadian Journal of Economics, 33(2), 2000, 471- 487.
- Espen Bratberg and Kjell Vaage: "Spell Durations with Long Unemployment Insurance Periods." Labour Economics, 7 (2), 2000, 153-180
- Espen Bratberg: "Disability retirement in a welfare state." Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 101(1), 1999, 97-114.
- Laurence J. Kotlikoff and Bernd Raffelhüschen: "Generational accounting around the globe." American Economic Review, 89, Papers and Proceedings, 1999,161-166.
- Bernd Raffelhüschen:"Generational accounting in Europe." American Economic Review, 89, Papers and Proceedings, 1999, 167-170.
- Gaute Torsvik: Tidskonsistente spareplanar og fondering av alderspensjonen. NOU 1998:10, Fondering av folketrygden?, 367-385.
- Alf Erling Risa: "Familienpolitik in Norwegen." (1998)
- Alf Erling Risa: Economic Evaluation of Vocational Rehabilitation Programs. In De Jong, P. and T. R. Marmor: Social Policy and the Labour Market, Ashgate, Aldershot, 1997.
- Bernd Raffelhüschen and Alf Erling Risa: Generational Accounting and Intergenerational Welfare. Public Choice 93, 1997, 149-163.
- Jonas Agell and Kjell Erik Lommerud: Minimum Wages and the Incentives for Skill Formation. Journal of Public Economics, 64, 1997, 25-40.
- Kjell Erik Lommerud: Battles of the Sexes: Noncooperative Games in the Theory of the Family. In C. Jonung and I. Persson, The Economics of the Family and Family Policies, London, Routledge, 1997.
- Kjell Erik Lommerud: "Familiepolitikk og familieøkonomi." NOU 1996:13, Offentlige overføringer til barnefamilier, Vedlegg 12, 385-395.
- Gaute Torsvik: Why should Governments Redistribute Income. Nordic Journal of Political Economy 23, 1996, 105-120.
- Alf Erling Risa: "The Welfare state as Provider of Accident Insurance in the Workplace: Efficiency and Distribution in Equilibrium." Economic Journal 105, 1995, 129-144.
- Sjur Didrik Flåm and Alf Erling Risa: "Market Insurance, Social Insurance, and Education." Journal of Population Economics 8, 1995, 149-160.
- Kai A. Konrad and Kjell Erik Lommerud: "Family Policy with Non-cooperative Families." The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 97(4), 1995, 581-601.
- Espen Bratberg and Alf Erling Risa: "Technological Diffusion through Profit Seeking and Epidemic Infomation Processes." Economics of Innovation and New Technology 4, 1995, 27-39.
- Bernd Raffelhüschen and Alf Erling Risa: "Reforming Social Security in a Small Open Economy." European Journal of Political Economy 11, 1995, 469- 485.
- Tor Rødseth og Geir Bjørsvik: "Uførepensjonering og AFP-pensjonering." NOU 1994:2, Fra arbeid til pensjon, Oslo, 1994.
- Alf Erling Risa: "Preference Revelation in Strict Liability Product Safety Markets." International Review of Law and Economics 14, 1994, 41-52.
- Alf Erling Risa: " Adverse Incentives from Improved Technology: Traffice Safety Regulation in Norway." Southern Economic Journal 60, 1994, 844-857.
- Arild Aakvik: "Overgang fra attføring til arbeid." Sosialøkonomen 48(4), 1994, 16-18.
- G. Thue, S. Sandberg, E. Bratberg, T.E. Olsen and A.E. Risa: "Dry chemestry instruments in primary care. I. Operating conditions and financial considerations." Family Practice 10, 1993, 124-130.
- Bengt-Arne Wickstrøm: "Precedence, privilege, preferences, plus Pareto principle: Some examples on egalitarian ethics and economic efficiency." Public Choice 73, 1992, 101-115.
- Alf Erling Risa: "Public Regulation of Private Accident Risk: The Moral Hazard of Technological Improvements." Journal of Regulatory Economics 4, 1992, 335-346.
- Liv Marit Klausen, Trond E. Olsen and Alf Erling Risa: " Technological Diffusion in Primary Health Care." Journal of Health Economics 11, 1992, 439-452.
- Alf Erling Risa: "The coexsistence of Private and Public Health Care: Some implications for Demand and Resource allocation. "In G. Lopez Casanovas: Incentives on Health Systems, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg 1991, 109-119.
- Bengt-Arne Wickstrøm: "The Norwegian Social Security System: Present State and Future Prospects. "In Michael Faure and Roger van den Bergh: Essays in Law and Economics, Matlu Antwerpen 1989.
- Vaage, Kjell: Er sjukefråværet (for) høgt i Noreg? (Is the Level of Sickness Absence (too) High in Norway?) Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 50(1), 2013, 62-63.
- Lommerud, K. E. and Straume, O.R.: Employment Protection Versus Flexicurity: On Technology Adoption in Unionised Firms. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 114(1), (2012).
- Øivind Anti Nilsen, Kjell Vaage, Arild Aakvik, Karl Jacobsen "Intergenerational Earnings Mobility Revisited: Estimates Based on Lifetime Earnings." Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 114(1), pp 1-23, 2012.
- Katrine V. Løken, Magne Mogstad and Matthew Wiswall: What linear estimators miss: The effects of family income on child outcomes. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 4, 1-35, 2012.
- De Grip, A., Lindeboom, M. and Montizaan, R.: Shattered Dreams: The Effects of Changing the Pension System late in the Game. The Economic Journal, 122 (559), 1-25, 2012
- Mykletun, A, Evensen, M., Hagen, K, og Vaage, K.: Hvorfor øker kjønnsforskjellen i sykefravær mellom kvinner og menn? Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, Vol 49, nummer 6, 2012, s. 594-596. 2012.
- Espen Bratberg, Sturla Gjesdal and John G Mæland "Gender differences in disability after sickness absence with musculoskeletal disorders." BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 12 (37), 2011
- Løken, Katrine V.: Politikkimplikasjoner fra litteraturen om familieinntekt og effekter på barns utdanning, Søkelys på Arbeidslivet, 1/2011.
- Grasdal, A. and Monstad, K.: "Inequity in the use of physician services in Norway before and after introducing patient lists in primary care." International Journal for Equity in Health 2011, 10:25.
- von Gaudecker, H.M., Garcia-Gomez, P. and Lindeboom, M.: "Health, Disability and Work: Patterns for the Working Age Population," International Tax and Public Finance, 18(2), 146-65, 2011
- de Jong, Ph.. Lindeboom, M. and van der Klaauw, B.: "Screening Disability Insurance Applications," Journal of the European Economic Association, 9(1), 106-29, 2011.
- Espen Bratberg and Kjell G. Salvanes and Kjell Vaage: Has job stability decreased? Population data from a small open economy, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 112 (1), 163-183, 2010.
- Arild Aakvik, Tor Helge Holmås and M. Kamrul Islam: "Does variation in GP practice matter for the length of sickness absenteeism? A multilevel analysis based on Norwegian GP--patient data" Social Science and Medicine, 70, 1590-1598, 2010.
- Arild Aakvik and Kjell G. Salvanes and Kjell Vaage: Measuring heterogeneity in the returns to education using an education reform. European Economic Review, 54, pp 483-500, 2010.
- Katrine V. Løken: Family income and children’s education: Using the Norwegian oil boom as a natural experiment. Labour Economics, 17, 118-129, 2010.
- Ghazala Naz. Effect of a family policy reform on immigrants’ labour supply and earnings. Labour, 24, 74-92, 2010.
- Ottar Mæstad, Gaute Torsvik, Arild Aakvik "Overworked? The relationship between workload and health worker performance in rural Tanzania." Journal of Health Economics, 29, pp 686-698, 2010.
- Kai A. Konrad and Kjell Erik Lommerud "Love and taxes -- and matching institutions." Canadian Journal of Economics, 43 (3), 919-940, 2010.
- Kjell Erik Lommerud, Trond E. Olsen and Odd Rune Straume "Company Taxation and Merger Incentives in International Oligopoly: on International Policy Coordination with Strategic Trade." J Inc Compet Trade 10,161-186, 2010.
- Espen Bratberg, Sturla Gjesdal and John Gunnar Mæland: Sickness absence with psychiatric diagnoses: individual and contextual predictors of permanent disability, Health and Place, 15, 308-314, 2009.
- Espen Bratberg, Sturla Gjesdal and John Gunnar Mæland: Musculoskeletal impairments in the Norwegian working population: the prognostic role of diagnoses and socioeconomic status. A prospective study of sickness absence and transition to disability pension. Spine, 34(14), 2009, 1519-1525.
- Sigve Tjøtta and Kjell Vaage: "Public transfers and marital dissolution." Journal of Population Economics, 21, 419-437, 2008.
- Espen Bratberg and Sigve Tjøtta: "Income effects of divorce in families with dependent children." Journal of Population Economics, 21, 439-461, 2008.
- Benedicte Carlsen, Arild Aakvik, Ole F. Norheim: "Variations in practice: a questionnaire survey of how congruence in attitudes between doctors and patients influences referral decisions." Medical Decision Making, 28, 262-268, 2008.
- Espen Bratberg, Øivind Anti Nilsen, and Kjell Vaage: "Job losses and child outcomes." Labour Economics, 15, 591-603, 2008.
- Espen Bratberg, Øivind Anti Nilsen and Kjell Vaage: "Trends in intergenerational mobility across offspring's earnings distribution in Norway". Industrial Relations, 46, 112-129, 2007.
- Arild Aakvik, Svenn-Åge Dahl, and Kjell Vaage: Late careers and career exits in Norway; in H.-P. Blossfeld, S.Buchholz and D. Hofäcker (eds): Globalization, Uncertainty and Late Careers in Society, London: Routledge, 235-254, 2006.
- Skouen, J.S., Grasdal, A., and E.M.H. Haldorsen: Return to work after comparing outpatient multidisciplinary treatment programs versus treatment in general practice for patients with chronic widespread pain. European Journal of Pain, 2006, 10, 145-152.
- Aakvik, Arild and Svenn-Åge Dahl: Transitions to employment from labour market enterprises in Norway. International Journal of Social Welfare, 15, 121-130, 2006.
- Arild Aakvik and Tor Helge Holmås: Access to Primary Health Care and Health Outcomes: The Relationships between GP Characteristics and Mortality Rates. Journal of Health Economics, 25, 1139-1153, 2006.
- Espen Bratberg, Kjell G. Salvanes og Kjell Vaage: "Avtakande jobbstabilitet i Noreg?" I Heum, Nesheim, Nordhaug og Salvanes (red): Arbeidsliv i omstilling. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 2006, 19-34.
- Jarle Møen, Kjell G. Salvanes og Kjell Vaage: "Kva er konstandene ved omstilling?" I Heum, Nesheim, Nordhaug og Salvanes (red): Arbeidsliv i omstilling. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 2006, 125-145.
- Risa, Alf Erling: "Er sosial utjamning mulig i ein meritokratisk velferdsstat?" I Kildal og Elvebakken (red): Velferdspolitiske utfordringer. Risiko, prioriteringer og rettferdighet. Oslo: Abstrakt forlag 2006, s. 69-83.
- Carlsen, Benedicte and Arild Aakvik "Patient involvement in clinical decision-making: The effect of GP attitude on patient satisfaction." Health Expectations, 9, pp. 148-157, 2006.
- Espen Bratberg, Øivind Anti Nilsen, and Kjell Vaage: Intergenerational earnings mobility in Norway: Levels and trends, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 107(3), 419-435, 2005.
- Arild Aakvik, James J. Heckman, and Edward J. Vytlacil: Estimating treatment effects for discrete outcomes when responses to treatment vary: an application to Norwegian vocational rehabilitation programs, Journal of Econometrics, 125(1-2), 2005, 15-51.
- Arild Aakvik, Kjell Gunnar Salvanes, and Kjell Vaage: Educational Attainment and Family Background, German Economic Review, 6(3), 2005, 377-394.
- Badi H. Baltagi, Espen Bratberg, and Tor Helge Holmås: A panel data study of physicians' labor supply: The case of Norway. Health Economics, 14(10), 1035-1045, 2005.
- Jan Erik Askildsen, Espen Bratberg, and Øivind Anti Nilsen: Unemployment, labor force composition and sickness absence: A panel data study. Health Economics, 14(11), 1087-1101, 2005.
- Jan Erik Askildsen, Espen Bratberg og Øivind A. Nilsen: Svingninger i sykefraværet: Er arbeidsledigheten avgjørende? Søkelys på arbeidsmarkedet, 21(1), 2004, 3 - 12.
- Arild Aakvik, Svenn-Åge Dahl og Kjell Vaage: Hvem går av med tidligpensjon? Søkelys på arbeidsmarkedet, 21(1), 2004, 13 - 20.
- Ghazala Naz: The impact of cash-benefit reform on parents' labour force participation, Journal of Population Economics, 17(2), 2004, 369 - 383.
- Espen Bratberg, Tor Helge Holmås and Øystein Thøgersen: Assessing the effects of an early retirement program, Journal of Population Economics, 17(3), 2004, 387 - 408.
- Tor Helge Holmås: Lønnspolitikk i helsesektoren, et effektivt virkemiddel? SNF Bulletin, 3, 2004.
- Arild Aakvik: Velferdsstatens økonomi. Bokanmeldelse. Sosiologisk tidsskrift 2004; 12(1):103-108.
- Svenn-Åge Dahl, Øivind Anti Nilsen, and Kjell Vaage: "Gender differences in early retirement behaviour," European Sociological Review 19(2), 2003, 179-198.
- Arild Aakvik: Estimating the employment effects of education for disabled workers in Norway, Empirical Economics 28, 2003, 515-533.
- Sigve Tjøtta and Kjell Vaage: Union disruption in Norway, International Journal of Sociology 33(1), 2003, 40-63.
- Arild Aakvik, Tor Helge Holmås, and Egil Kjerstad: A low-key social insurance reform - effects of multidisciplinary outpatient treatment for back pain patients in Norway, Journal of Health Economics 22, 2003, 747-762.
- Sturla Gjesdal and Espen Bratberg: Diagnosis and duration of sickness absence as predictors for disability pension: Results from a three-year, multi-register based and prospective study, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 31(4), 2003, 246-254.
- Sjur Didrik Flåm and Alf Erling Risa: Ability, self-confidence and search, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 159, 2003, 439-456.
- Arild Aakvik and Egil Kjerstad: Skill formation among vocational rehabilitation clients - Public policy vs private incentives, Education Economics, 11(3), 2003, 219 - 237.
- Espen Bratberg, Astrid Grasdal and Alf Erling Risa: "Evaluating social policy by experimental and nonexperimental methods," Scandinavian Journal of Economics 104(1), 2002, 147-171.
- Espen Bratberg, Svenn-Åge Dahl and Alf Erling Risa: "'The double burden' Do combinations of career and family obligations increase sickness absence among women?" European Sociological Review 18(2), 2002, 233 249.
- Alf Erling Risa: Review of Nanna Kildal, 2000, Den nye sociala frågan. Om arbete, inkomst og rättvisa, Göteborg, Daidalos. Reviewed in Tidsskrift for Velferdsforskning 4(4), 2001, 259 261.
- Sturla Gjesdal and Espen Bratberg: "The role of gender in long-term sickness absence and transition to peremanent disability benefits: results from a multiregister based, prospective study in Norway 1990-1995," European Journal of Public Health 12(3), 2002, 180 186.
- Bernd Raffelhüschen: "Generational Accounting - Quo Vadis?" Nordic Journal of Political Economy 28, 2002, 75-89.
- Kai A. Konrad, Harald Künemund, Kjell Erik Lommerud, and Julio R. Robledo: "Geography of the Family," American Economic Review 92(4), 2002, 981-998.
- Steinar Vagstad: "On Private Incentives to Acquire Household Production Skills." Journal of Population Economics, 14(2), 2001, 301 312.
- Espen Bratberg, Astrid Grasdal and Alf Erling Risa: "Økonomisk evaluering av rehabiliteringstiltak." In J.E. Askildsen and K. Haug (ed): Helse, økonomi og politikk. Cappelen Akademisk forlag, 2001.
- Alf Erling Risa: "Teknologisk utvikling, informasjonstilgang og økonomisk organisering av helsesektoren." In J.E. Askildsen and K. Haug (eds): Helse, økonomi og politikk. Cappelen Akademisk forlag, 2001.
- Espen Bratberg, Kjell Erik Lommerud, Øivind Anti Nilsen and Alf Erling Risa: "Utdanning og etablering i arbeidsmarkedet." Søkelys på arbeidsmarkedet, 18(1), 2001, 3-8.
- Arild Aakvik: "Bounding a matching estimator: the case of a Norwegian training program." Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 63, 2001, 115-143.
- Espen Bratberg, Alf Erling Risa and Kjell Vaage: "Sosial utjevning og veksten i uføretrygden." Tidsskrift for velferdssforskning 4(3), 2001, 169 -182.
- Øivind Anti Nilsen, Alf Erling Risa and Alf Torstensen: "Transitions from Employment among Young Norwegian Workers." Journal of Population Economics, 13, 2000, 21-34.
- Kjell Vaage: "Detection of Outliers and Level Shifts in Time Series: An Evaluation of Two Alternative Procedures." Journal of Forecasting 19(1), 2000, 23-37.
- Svenn-Åge Dahl, Øivind Anti Nilsen and Kjell Vaage: "Work or Retirement? Exit Routes for Norwegian Elderly." Applied Economics 32(14), 2000, 1865-1876.
- Espen Bratberg and Øivind Anti Nilsen: "Transitions from School to Work and the Early Labour Market Experience." Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 62, 2000, 909-929.
- Jan Erik Askildsen, Espen Bratberg and Øivind Anti Nilsen: "Hva kan forklare det økte sykefraværet?" Magma, 3(5), 2000, 46-53.
- Kjell Vaage: "Eit inkluderande arbeidsliv tilstrekkeleg for å redusera talet på nye uførepensjonistar? Kommentar til Sandmanutvalets innstilling." Økonomisk forum, 55(1), 2001, 6-9.
- Kai A. Konrad and Kjell Erik Lommerud: "The Bargaining Family Revisited." Canadian Journal of Economics, 33(2), 2000, 471- 487.
- Alf Erling Risa: "Familienpolitik in Norwegen." (2000)
- Espen Bratberg and Kjell Vaage: "Spell Durations with Long Unemployment Insurance Periods." Labour Economics, 7 (2), 2000, 153-180
- Espen Bratberg: "Disability retirement in a welfare state." Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 101(1), 1999, 97-114.
- Laurence J. Kotlikoff and Bernd Raffelhüschen: "Generational accounting around the globe." American Economic Review, 89, Papers and Proceedings, 1999,161-166.
- Bernd Raffelhüschen:"Generational accounting in Europe." American Economic Review, 89, Papers and Proceedings, 1999, 167-170.
- Gaute Torsvik: Tidskonsistente spareplanar og fondering av alderspensjonen. NOU 1998:10, Fondering av folketrygden?, 367-385.
- Alf Erling Risa: Economic Evaluation of Vocational Rehabilitation Programs. In De Jong, P. and T. R. Marmor: Social Policy and the Labour Market, Ashgate, Aldershot, 1997.
- Bernd Raffelhüschen and Alf Erling Risa: Generational Accounting and Intergenerational Welfare. Public Choice 93, 1997, 149-163.
- Jonas Agell and Kjell Erik Lommerud: Minimum Wages and the Incentives for Skill Formation. Journal of Public Economics, 64, 1997, 25-40.
- Kjell Erik Lommerud: Battles of the Sexes: Noncooperative Games in the Theory of the Family. In C. Jonung and I. Persson, The Economics of the Family and Family Policies, London, Routledge, 1997.
- Kjell Erik Lommerud: "Familiepolitikk og familieøkonomi." NOU 1996:13, Offentlige overføringer til barnefamilier, Vedlegg 12, 385-395.
- Gaute Torsvik: Why should Governments Redistribute Income. Nordic Journal of Political Economy 23, 1996, 105-120.
- Alf Erling Risa: "The Welfare state as Provider of Accident Insurance in the Workplace: Efficiency and Distribution in Equilibrium." Economic Journal 105, 1995, 129-144.
- Sjur Didrik Flåm and Alf Erling Risa: "Market Insurance, Social Insurance, and Education." Journal of Population Economics 8, 1995, 149-160.
- Kai A. Konrad and Kjell Erik Lommerud: "Family Policy with Non-cooperative Families." The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 97(4), 1995, 581-601.
- Espen Bratberg and Alf Erling Risa: "Technological Diffusion through Profit Seeking and Epidemic Infomation Processes." Economics of Innovation and New Technology 4, 1995, 27-39.
- Bernd Raffelhüschen and Alf Erling Risa: "Reforming Social Security in a Small Open Economy." European Journal of Political Economy 11, 1995, 469- 485.
- Tor Rødseth og Geir Bjørsvik: "Uførepensjonering og AFP-pensjonering." NOU 1994:2, Fra arbeid til pensjon, Oslo, 1994.
- Alf Erling Risa: "Preference Revelation in Strict Liability Product Safety Markets." International Review of Law and Economics 14, 1994, 41-52.
- Alf Erling Risa: " Adverse Incentives from Improved Technology: Traffice Safety Regulation in Norway." Southern Economic Journal 60, 1994, 844-857.
- Arild Aakvik: "Overgang fra attføring til arbeid." Sosialøkonomen 48(4), 1994, 16-18.
- G. Thue, S. Sandberg, E. Bratberg, T.E. Olsen and A.E. Risa: "Dry chemestry instruments in primary care. I. Operating conditions and financial considerations." Family Practice 10, 1993, 124-130.
- Bengt-Arne Wickstrøm: "Precedence, privilege, preferences, plus Pareto principle: Some examples on egalitarian ethics and economic efficiency." Public Choice 73, 1992, 101-115.
- Alf Erling Risa: "Public Regulation of Private Accident Risk: The Moral Hazard of Technological Improvements." Journal of Regulatory Economics 4, 1992, 335-346.
- Liv Marit Klausen, Trond E. Olsen and Alf Erling Risa: " Technological Diffusion in Primary Health Care." Journal of Health Economics 11, 1992, 439-452.
- Alf Erling Risa: "The coexsistence of Private and Public Health Care: Some implications for Demand and Resource allocation. "In G. Lopez Casanovas: Incentives on Health Systems, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg 1991, 109-119.
- Bengt-Arne Wickstrøm: "The Norwegian Social Security System: Present State and Future Prospects. "In Michael Faure and Roger van den Bergh: Essays in Law and Economics, Matlu Antwerpen 1989.