Research presentations from 2012
Researchers from all three clinical departments (Clinical Medicine, Medicine and Surgical sciences) and The Gade institute are hereby invited to present their work to fellow researchers and the general audience. If you have presented a poster or had an oral presentation at a scientific meeting or a conference in 2012, or will be having one later in 2012, you are welcome to submit your work. It is possible to submit several abstracts for the poster exhibition, but it is only allowed with one oral presentation per participant.

Main content
Poster exhibiton, January 21st. -25th. 2013
- We will make a banner with all posters printed on, so we do not need the original poster. The poster is uploaded as a pdf. on the electronic submission form
- A “poster round” will be held on Wednesday, January 23rd. Here the researcher will give a short presentation of the poster to the scientific committee.
Oral presentations, January 24th. 2013
- 10 minutes for each oral presentation + 5 minutes for discussion
- Please bring your PowerPoint presentation on an USB stick
- Oral presentations held at meetings in the past year can be presented in their original form. Given that the audience will be a general medical one, please consider to this if your presentation previously is held for a specialized audience.
- It is only allowed to submit one presentation per participant.
Prizes of NOK 5000/3000/2000 will be awarded to the three best presentations in each category, according to the evaluation of a scientific committee appointed by the Research School.
Submission is easily done through an online form. Here you will be able to fill in your contact information and upload your file(s).
We also ask you to answer three simple questions about your research (also found in the online form). Please give your answers in Norwegian and make them understandable for a general audience. Please also upload a photo of yourself!
If you have general questions regarding the submission, or if you experience any difficulties; please contact us by e-mail: